Monday, July 21, 2008

These boys just come up with the funniest stuff!

"Look, Momma, Woody is a takeen a baff"
(look, Momma, woody is taking a bath)

"Siddy Woody, he a takeen a baff wiff his boots on!"
(silly woody, he is taking a bath with his boots on!)

"Jackson turn a peechur - cheese!"
(Jackson's turn for a picture)

Jack takes his hat off and repeats after Momma
"whoa gotta cwazy haiw"
(whoa - you got some crazy hair!)

It has just been one of those silly baby days, we started the morning by Quentin coming into our room and getting up on our bed. He cuddled next to me and then pulled back to get a good look and said as he pointed to my head on the pillow,
"Momma haiw awl messy!"
complete with the crinkled nose and furrowed brow look. Priceless.
Thanks Baby, and good morning to you too!


Harris Boys said...

awww I love I can't wait for my boys to talk...all the cute and random words to look forward too. your boys are adorable!

cat said...

Cute, cute, cute! It is so awesome when you can start to understand what is going on in those little heads. xg

Brandi said...

AWWWWW! How sweet that he gave Woody a bath! LOL.

Brooke said...

AWWW!!! Gotta love the cute toddler talk.

Unknown said...

Two Cute! ;-) I love all the words that I hear now coming from J&S and I can't wait for all the random, funny things that i know are to come!

debi9kids said...

So cute! I love when kids first learn to talk. Just adorable!
:) debi
ps Thank you so much for your supportive comments this past week. It helped a lot.

Lori said...

Yay, silly baby days! "Siddy Woody" -- I love it!