tortoise really, but we let them call it turtle. They were very excited.

There was one painted turtle that was climbing up the rocks, like he was trying to climb out. It was fascinating to watch. This was our surprised expression when he fell back into the water!

The funniest thing happened during lunch though, something we sadly couldn't get a picture of. As I was holding out a piece of pizza for Quent to take a bite, a peacock came strolling over and nearly took a bite of the pizza too! Or at least that was what he looked like he was going to do. He came right to Quent's side of the stroller - very close up and stuck his little beak out towards us almost like he was checking out what we had. Quent was a little weirded out about the "big birdie" being so close, but I said "it's okay, he won't hurt us" (I didn't think peacocks attacked, hoped not at least.) Tom tried to get a picture but hat is when the bird just walked away.
The rest of the day whenever we would see the peacock, even while riding the train, Quent would say, "it's okay, the birdie, it's okay." Just reassuring himself I guess. Sweet.

It was really beautiful in there.

the 1st go round he was on a bench.) This is pretty much the face he made the entire time,
but then screamed and cried when we had to get off. Silly.

He stayed right on that horse during 2 rides around.
It was cute as we went around he would say "Hi everybody!"
we were totally out after 5 minutes on the road
we were totally out after 5 minutes on the road

1 comment:
Such a great zoo for our lil ones! Next week, we're venturing to Lansing's Potter Park Zoo for Zoo Days there...(I think admission is free with passes from the grocery store...my mom's grabbing some). IF you're interested in going along, let me know! We can caravan :-)
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