This week has also been 'get used to the big boy beds' week. So, we have all been a little sleep deprived from that and trying our best to work it out. They are improving, but they still are too excited to jump out of bed whenever they get the chance, like at 6:00 am - ugh! They do like the beds though and there have been no need to coax them to their beds at all.
We had the Ear,nose,throat Dr. appointment. Jack did great! No doubt, Jack will definitely be getting the tonsils and adenoids out. (not that I was unsure about it before, but somewhere I was hoping that just maybe we could avoid that surgery)
So, he is scheduled for July 31st for the surgery.
Wish us luck, Momma will be a basket case!
There was a super fun playgroup with our Mothers of Multiples group at Flushing Park. We took our picnic lunch and played on the big wooden play scape. Jack and Quent had so much fun, it was hot and sunny, but they did not seem to care. My fellow twin Mommy and blogger friend, Barb, got some great pictures since I did not have our camera with us (good job Momma). Thanks Barb!
You can also check out her Twinkies' blog for more cute pics of the day!
After we got a slushee for the ride home which the boys loved, what a big treat! Quent kept saying "Thank you Momma, thank you Momma. Good treat Momma" It was so cute.
It was Potter Park Zoo Day! It was also L&L Zoo Days, which meant that the zoo was packed with everyone with free passes, including us!
My niece and nephew, Sierra and Brendan came along with us. And thank goodness that they were there! They were such a big help with the boys, there is no way I would have done this alone. So, thank you cousins!
We also went with Barb and Kerry from our Mothers of Multiples group and their families. It was really busy there and impossible to stay all together. We ended up losing the others pretty much as soon as we were in the place and never could find them. But I hear they had fun and we had fun too. You can check out their adventures on Barb's blog.

Jack and Brendan balancing along a short wall
while we were all taking a drink break.
It was SO HOT and HUMID that we had to make sure everyone was drinking enough and getting breaks out of the sun.

didn't quite work out the way I had hoped, but here we are!

After the zoo, we went to visit Tom at work and say hello. We then headed home and had a wardrobe change, then it was off to get Brendan to soccer practice. Both Jack and Quent cried when Brendan had to leave - sweet. Quent was sound asleep when we dropped off Sierra at home, but Jack got to meet her puppy, Max, and got lots of slobbery kisses. He said Max's ears were "fwoppy" and they were! He got that from our Dog book that they love, smarty.
We stopped at Gramma and Papa's for a snack and a visit before heading home for dinner with Daddy.
This night they were asleep before they hit their pillows, WHEW!
We spent a day at home!
It was blistering hot and humid again and my sunburns needed a break so we spent the day catching up on stuff around the house. (no one else got any sunburns, thankfully. I am just ridiculously sensitive to the sun and sunscreen just never cuts it)
I made cookies for our Uncle Dan, my Dad's brother, and took them to him when Tom got home to be with the boys.
Feel Better Soon Uncle Dan!
Jack and Quent were great while I mixed up the cookies (to bake while they slept). Here they are playing with their letters on the fridge - YES - pictures of the giant refrigerator that I LOVE!
We stopped at Gramma and Papa's for a snack and a visit before heading home for dinner with Daddy.
This night they were asleep before they hit their pillows, WHEW!
We spent a day at home!
It was blistering hot and humid again and my sunburns needed a break so we spent the day catching up on stuff around the house. (no one else got any sunburns, thankfully. I am just ridiculously sensitive to the sun and sunscreen just never cuts it)
I made cookies for our Uncle Dan, my Dad's brother, and took them to him when Tom got home to be with the boys.
Feel Better Soon Uncle Dan!
Jack and Quent were great while I mixed up the cookies (to bake while they slept). Here they are playing with their letters on the fridge - YES - pictures of the giant refrigerator that I LOVE!

Phew, it was a busy week, wasn't it? Between our fun trips, we had Dr visits too and such. Glad our weekend is quiet. Hope yours is too!
What a fun and exhausting week! Glad to hear you had fun at the zoo and playgroup. Hope I can make it next time.
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