Thursday, May 27, 2010

My funny birthday boys!

I have to write this down so that I will always remember the cute, smart, funny stuff that Jack and Quent  have said about their upcoming birthday!

The boys' birthday is about 10 days away, and their party is a week from Saturday.  So, in all the preparations  - sending out invitations, planning the cake, etc. - we have been talking about their birthday  A LOT.  We made a countdown calendar, so that they knew when it was getting closer and cross out the days everyday.  Lately I have been asking them what they might want for their birthday and they minimally answer me, "I want Toy Story 3" (the movie comes out a week after their b-day and we do plan to see it), but they really don't have concrete ideas.  But with all this talk:

The boys have now just realized that they will be getting presents for their birthday. 

So, last night Jack was saying, "Fank you so much Momma for letting us have some presents on our birthday!" 
When I told him that most of his presents would be from other people (not me and Daddy) he gave me a {thumbs-up} and yelled, "That's Awesome, I will love that!" 
He is such a cute, little grateful boy!  

Tonight, after reading Toot and Puddle: A Present for Toot , we were all talking about the book and how silly the little pigs and the bird in the story were.  Then Quent gets an idea, "Momma I REALLY want to have a pet too, for my birthday! Like a big pet, like a big DOG!"
I say, "Well, that would be nice to have a big dog, but we can't have a dog at our house because Momma is allergic.  I am so sorry, but we can visit Bessie* and Laverne*."

Quent's face drops, then he brightens and says, "I know!  I want a Yak!  Wouldn't that be a great idea for my pet!"  (yes the child said YAK)
My eyes grow wide and I laugh a little, but then seriously say, "A yak is a very big animal and would not fit in our house.  Our yard is too small for a yak to be happy in our yard, they like to live in big open fields where they have lots of room.  Also, yak poop is huge- whew - can you imagine if a yak would go poop in our house!  Ewwww, what a stinky mess!"
{Jack and Quent are now laughing like crazy and talking about big, giant poops, no way do they want that!}

Quent gets up to go get his drink before he lays down and he stops at the door.  "Whoa, now this is a great pet for me - how about a dinosaur - a REAL dinosaur!  Wouldn't that be great?!"  
Now you have to imagine his little face, so happy and pleased with all these "great ideas" he has had.  He's so cute it just breaks your heart to have to tell him that he cannot have a real dinosaur.
"Oh, Quentie, real dinosaurs are not alive anymore for us to have as pets.  That would have been a cool pet though.  You know what, when you lay down you can think about and dream about all kinds of good ideas for a pet and we will talk some more about them tomorrow."  (like how I switch back to the 'go to bed' mode)

Tomorrow should be one exciting talk!

* Bess is my parents' dog and Laverne is my brother and his wife's dog

Monday, May 24, 2010

Egg Hunts, New Bikes and Easter!

Okay, since it is now May - like getting close to the end of May - I thought I should post these pictures that have been sitting in here unpublished,  Better late than never, right :)  

First off , some pics from the Mothers of Multiples Easter Party and Egg Hunt.
This is a BIG, fun event.  I mean BIG because there are always lots of twins and triplet families that come and obviously with all those kids its bound to be a good time!  

Jack (yellow) and Quent (blue) had a blast finding hidden eggs.
We even had a one of the older girls share some of her eggs with Jack and Quent because she did not think they found enough and "she does not really like candy all that much anyway."
She was very sweet!

But the best part of all was opening the eggs to find all the treats inside.  
We had to have a little tutorial about taking the foil OFF the chocolate eggs before biting into them.  Just cuz the foils pretty doesn't mean it is edible!

Me and my beautiful boys on a warm, sunny spring day

Quentin wanted to sit and have a picture with the Easter Bunny, but Jack was less than thrilled that the bunny showed up.  He was hiding behind my leg in this picture.  

After our multiples party, we went to GG's to color eggs with some of our cousins.  
Here's Brad, Joe, Ravyn, Caleb, Jack, Alex, and Quent posing with some of their creations. 

The next day we were invited to Our friends' house for another Easter Egg Hunt.  Despite a little drizzle here and there, it was a fun time and we got to bring along Avery and Tessa too!
Here's the cousins trying to all get a turn sitting in this very cool John Deere and honking the super annoying horn it had.  Big fun while we waited for the first "heat" of the hunt.
(the hunt was broken up into age groups - wonderful idea!)

Tessa wearing her loot bag like a purse! 
The girl is such a little diva!
The Fabulous 4

Tom and I could not wait until their birthday to give them their bikes, the weather was too nice and honestly - we were too excited for them!
So, here they are opening the giant bag containing their new big boy bikes!

What could be in this big giant bag??


Daddy helping Quent get started (Papa in the background)
We were at Gramma and Papa's house.

Jack was a little unsteady, but he was getting the hang of it...

He kept trying...
And Trying....
Oh, he could finally get going pretty fast!
He was calling it his "Jet X motorcycle" - not sure where that came from,but my best guess was that it was similar to 'Fed Ex Jet' that we had seen at the airport the day before.
It was cute whatever it came from.

He worked and rode on that bike after everyone else had wanted to go in (Daddy stayed out with him).  Quent kind of gave up after a few tries and was more interested in running and playing with the girls that day.

Thumbs up - cute Jack!!

Easter Morning...

Checking out their baskets of goodies

Jack and his football (he looks so much older in this one!)

Silly Quent wanted to pose with his chocolate bunny!  
Cute boy with the big blue eyes!
Jack, Alex, and Avery hunting for eggs in our yard.
Just LOVED Avery in her beautiful green dress!

Pretty Tessa is finding some eggs too.

Quent looking handsome in his shirt and tie!
Jack so handsome in his shirt and tie too.
Did we get them all?  Are there any left?

Okay, Everyone show us what you got!!

I think these group pictures are a hilarious progression!!

Rob, Abby, Avery and Tessa pose for a family shot,
turned out wonderful!

Jack and Quent don't want to leave the swings to have more pictures...

Our Family Easter Picture!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Baby Picture Sunday - Have their cake and wear it too!

Oh - this week's theme had me tearing up looking at and remembering my little guys' first birthday *sniff sniff*
We saved their first taste of cake until their first birthday and they were so ADORABLE tasting and playing in their cake!
These pictures are from when we celebrated, just the 4 of us, on their actual birthday (we had the party a couple days later and I am sure I have shared those pics before)   These were so cute because they really got to just squish around and explore the cake on their own time and have lots of fun with it! 
It was a really fun 1st Birthday for my Jack and Quent!
(and Momma and Daddy too!)

(Quent on the left, Jack on the right)

Oh, they are the cutest babies ever - those big, blue eyes!
Don't you just want to kiss and squeeze those chubby little cheeks!

*Check out Debi's blog for who else is playing along with Baby Picture Sunday!

A very busy weekend!

Okay, so here i am again behind in my posts!  Luckily the pictures were all loaded onto blogger I just need to caption them and get them published! 

I just had to share pictures from our super busy (and pretty fun) weekend before Easter! 
Friday and Saturday were spent getting ready for the Mom2Mom sale for my multiples group and having the sale.  What a lot of work and what a HUGE success!  It was our 2nd highest attendance!

It is such an awesome way to get rid of those baby/kid things that we are no longer using and to make some money to buy the NEW clothes and things that our kids need!
I gotta give it up to my fellows moms of multiples who really help to make the sale organized, successful, and fun! 


On Sunday, we took the boys "real bowling" (that's what they call it) for the first time.  My good friends Amy and Nancy host a March of Dimes fundraiser each year in memory of their dear Angel Babies - Nathaniel and Madison.  They work so hard and it each year their hard work really pays off.  
This year they did a bowling fundraiser and it was a big success!  We had a blast and I think everyone else did too!
Daddy helping Jack throw the first ball!

WooHoo - I knocked down the pins!!

This was the ball that rolled so slow and stopped in the middle of the lane :)  we had to wait for it to be saved by the "bowling ball guy"!

Daddy and Quent getting ready to make a big throw!

Just look at my handsome men!

All 4 of us together - turned out to be a great picture :)

Momma and my little men (yep, forcing them to take a picture with Mom - they look so thrilled!)

Jack and Momma made a strike!

(pay special attention that I beat Tom - love you Honey)

Amy and Greg with Natalie (in the pink) and their friends' little girl.


After bowling, we headed back north to celebrate Sierra's Birthday.  
It was quite and eventful hour and a half ride.
And I don't mean that in a good way.
  1.  It was pouring rain.  
  2. The boys were very tired and hoping to watch a show on the DVD.  Well, Jack's headrest monitor would not turn on and so we told them that we would not be watching a show.  
  3.  Tom and I got to listen to a screaming, crying fit from 2 boys about not watching a show.
  4. Did I mention they were tired?
  5. Quent decides he need to poop.  (hopefully what follows is not TMI)
  6. We got off the highway and were no where near somewhere to go poop.
  7. I had taken all emergency potty supplies out of the van to make room for sale stuff (see above)
  8. Along a secluded part of the highway on-ramp, I had to have Quentin poop outside.  On the ground.
  9. It was pouring rain. 
  10. Poor Quent spent the rest of the ride in disbelief, repeating, "Momma, why did you make me poop outside?!"  With Jack often answering, "It was an emergency Quentin, Momma said it was an emergency. Its okay!"  What a good brother.

We arrived at Julie and Mike's house and luckily everything went much smoother there!  
We celebrated with  pizza and ice cream cake (yummy) for Sierra's 15th birthday.  I can't believe she is 15!  Wow, I am sure Mike and Julie can't either!

Playing under a glass table is fun!

Sierra - The Birthday Girl and her Dad, Mike.

Brendan watching Sierra make a wish and blow out her candles.
Happy Birthday Sierra!

PS - I was sure Quent would run into the house and tell everyone that he had pooped on the side of the road (cuz that's usually the kind of kid he is) but he did not tell anyone!  In fact, he has NEVER told anyone about it at all.  Poor kid - and now his Mom goes and shares it on the blog.