Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Children's Museum

Today we met up with some other Twin buddies at the Children's museum. I have not been there in a very long time, but it is so much nicer than I remember and I like it before! We had a great time! What a wonderful idea Barb!

We met up with Barb and her 19 month olds, Sarah and Jacob. Also, Brooke and her 16 month olds, Liam and Brenna, and big brother Braedan who is 5 yrs. old. And Kerry and her 4 year old girls, Anna and Megan came to play too. All in all 4 SETS OF TWINS! It was quite the event!

I have some pictures of the boys at their favorite things (ie: the things that they were able to be still at long enough for me to get a picture!) As you can imagine, they were usually running in 2 different directions :)

Jack is rocking out on the trash can drum

While Quent plays along with the bells

Very cool Fire Truck, Jack played here A LOT!
you could ring the bell and drive, big fun

Quent takes over the controls in the helicopter

Jack found some buttons, and he loves buttons.
These buttons changed the tones of the music that played when you walked on the floor,
cool cause and effect.

Quent really liked this car race game, he liked the cars on their own,
but once he knew that they would go fast down that hill, he was hooked!

The other Moms that went with me got some really good shots too - check out Barb's and Brooke's blogs for their pictures. They both got better ones of all the kids eating after we were done playing. It was cute, all of them lined up in their double strollers!


Brooke said...

We had a great time too, definitely need to return....they will see us coming and run. I'm thinking about the zoo next week...we shall see!

Unknown said...

Kerry told me that Saginaw has a brand new Children's museum too - so we'll have to invade there some day, too! I can't take the credit...the museum was actually Kerry's idea - but one of the places on my "must visit' list with the twins this summer! So glad we could all go together! :-)