Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sleep test tonight

Oh my! Tonight is the sleep test for Jack. We are all packed up to go and after we have dinner and some play time, we will be going. Jack and I are going while Dad stays home with Quent.
It will be so weird for all of us.

I am so nervous about going. I am just sure that they are going to say that the tonsils are so much of a problem that they will have to come out. And surgery scares the crap out of me! I can tell myself all day that it is routine, the Dr. is good, etc., etc. I still am so upset about the thought of Jack going in for surgery.

I keep thinking about being in that outpatient surgery waiting area of the same hospital when Joshua had his surgery. Totally different circumstances and surgeries, but same scared shitless, helpless feeling.

Maybe he won't need the surgery, wouldn't that be great?!


Unknown said...

Good luck! I'll be thinking of you tonight and hoping it goes well. do you get to sleep while Jack sleeps? Hope so! We have to sleep deprive Jacob in a few weeks before his MRI...oh that'll be fun...ugh!

Hope the tonsils aren't as bad as you fear! Sweet dreams!

debi9kids said...

Good luck and hope you are able to get some sleep while you are there. (I had to do a sleep study with my daughter AGE ago and she slept just fine, but I was so stressed I never slept for a second. UGH!)
Hope you have better luck than I did.
:) Debi