My throat. Actually feeling like it is on the mend, but the soreness and swelling is not completely gone. I have had some definite improvement though, so that's something seeing that this all started on April 20th! I have been through a course of antibiotics, gargled, rested and still it continues to cycle back everyday. Ibuprofen does help, but I really don't want to live in that, so if I can bear it then I just tough it out. My primary Dr. sent me to an Ear,Nose,Throat Dr. and I went on Monday. Wow. The place was terrible and the Dr. and his staff were worse. His fast and hasty opinion was that I have reflux and I was given a Rx for prilosec. I could go on into every detail of why the experience there was completely horrendous, but that would take a while. I do not believe that I have reflux and before I will treat it that way I will get a 2nd opinion. But as it improves without the acid reducer, I seriously doubt the quack.
Okay, so onto better things. We did some super fun stuff this week too!
The boys "helped" Momma make cookies for the weekend. And by helped I mean that they were very well behaved, played nicely in the kitchen, and begged for yummy chocolate chips!
But I got the dough all mixed and ready to bake at naptime, so that was a huge help!
Thursday, I had my Mothers of Multiples dinner at Mongolian BBQ, which hadn't really been one of my favorite places, but it was pretty good this trip. I enjoyed hangin' with the other moms.
We talked a lot about how we all used to love New Kids on the Block and that they were getting back together. Oh that was too funny, I was so into them as a teenager, they were the 1st concert I had ever gone to (and they were just the warm-up act for Tiffany !!)
Then a bunch of us went to Target and shut the place down. I love Target!
Friday, my Mom came over and she and I took the boys to the park to meet up with our friends for their 1st birthday!! Our twin friends, Caleb and Wyatt turned 1 year old on Friday and Charlotte (their Mom) invited us to play at the park and have cupcakes for their birthday. It was beautiful weather and I think all the boys (and moms and grammas!) had a great time!
Jack and Quent just loved swinging and climbing up and going down the slide, especially since they can do that on their own now. They are getting so big :)

** Happy Birthday to my best gal pal, Amy!
It was her birthday on Friday, too.
It was her birthday on Friday, too.
1 comment:
Sorry to hear you haven't gotten to the bottom of the health issues. Good luck with a 2nd opinion.
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