On Saturday morning, I attended a Mother's Day brunch at my neighbor Charlotte's house. I got to take my time to get ready to go and do a little pampering for myself. Loved it.
(Tom had the boys out and about shopping for Momma's Mother's Day gift)
The brunch was a good time drinking mimosas, eating yummy brunch goodies, and chatting it up with Charlotte and some of the Moms in her family. It was really nice. It was a great opportunity for me to brag about Jack and Quent, what Mom doesn't love doing that! And since I was just next door, it was the perfect amount of travel time :)
Later, after the boys got up from nap we loaded up and went delivering our Mother's Day gifts to my Aunt Jean (my Godmother) and GG (my Grandma).
The boys had a blast running around Aunt Jean and Uncle Jack's huge backyard and seeing the pond full big "fishies". Both Jack and Quent got crazy dirty, but they loved it. It was a nice visit. The truck they are each pulling for ended up coming home with us, Aunt Jean spoils us again!

Next we went to GG's house for a visit to deliver her gifts. The boys love to go to GG's, there is always fun stuff to play with and get into! Again, the boys ended up coming home with some Mickey Mouse toys from GG, I teased that we were supposed to be giving gifts not coming home with gifts! But we had to drag them away, literally, after our visit so that we could get them some dinner! Next time we will have to plan a longer visit to GG's.
We then went to Bob Evans for dinner, not usually my first choice, but being a Saturday night we thought it would be a surer bet that we would get in without a wait and find some decently good kid-friendly items. The boys did great, even though Tom and I had to eat so fast that I barely tasted my blueberry cream pancakes. Form what I did taste, they were pretty good. Then it was off for home, bath, then bed for everyone.
My first Mother's Day gift came in that Jack and Quent slept in until 8:00am. Its only an hour later than they usually sleep, but it felt super good! Then we got up and ready for my Mom, Dad, Len and Kyle to come over for lunch. Tom, Jack and Quent gave me my gifts, sweet cards that the boys made (with a little Daddy help), a beautiful plant for the front porch, and a gift certificate for a mani and pedi! I am so excited - I have never had a pedicure before!
The guys worked on putting together the boys new swingset together (due to the torrential rains, its almost done) then we had a lunch of BBQ chicken, a family classic and corn on the cob and potato salad. It was yummy. For dessert, I had made Oreo Truffles (thanks for the idea Monica!) The boys enjoyed getting to play with everyone and being outside for a while before the rain started. And, I got a Mother's day/ early birthday gift from Len and Kyle too, a gift certificate for a facial! Wow, so nice. I will pretty much be getting the whole makeover!
It was great Mother's Day and now I am beat and ready to have my PB and banana and off to bed. Hope everyone had a great day too!
Sounds like a wonderful 2 days! Everything was just great! Love that you are getting a mani & pedi! YIPPEE!
Great idea on the Oreo truffles! Arent they the best!?! And, low fat too. (LOL)
:) Debi
PS Wow! I had never read your profile before! I had no idea you had your twins via a surrogate! How truly blessed you are to have a cousin who would do that for you!
For you to come through such tragedy and to now have those beautiful boys... I just feel richer knowing you.
God is so Good!
Thanks Debi, I am lucky to have the chance to have all my babies!
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