We are SO into our Terrific Two's (can you detect the sarcasm). Not to say that my guys are not terrific, they are. They are so talkative and funny, and lately there have been so many times I wish I could just tape all the things that they say because they are so darn cute. There has been loads of singing and dancing these days, but as soon as the video camera is out - boom - all activity stops and they are fascinated at watching themselves on it. So I need to find a stealthier (is that even a word) way to videotape their massive cuteness.
But, along with all those spectacular and wonderful abilities and talents comes the tantrums, refusals, and the sibling fighting/ rivalry. I hear a lot of "that's my Momma" or just "that's mine". There's been hitting and pushing galore. We began a 'Naughty Spot' consequence some time ago (got some foam spots from IKEA - works great) and then just recently added the timer so that they know they can get up when the bell rings. So, that's been a lesson in consistency for us grown-ups, but they are getting it. The weird thing is that I used to teach time-out to parents all the time, when I was working as a child therapist. And then its my own kids and I have to keep reminding myself of the rules that we should be following. It's a work in progress for us all, but there has been improvement.
Really, all the naughtiness is well within the realm of typical 2-year-old behavior, it's just that when you get it full force some days - TIMES 2 - it is hard not to feel like you have been clocked in the head with a really big shoe. (weird analogy, I know)
I do have some pictures of the boys at my Aunt Betty and Uncle Dan's house for Labor Day weekend. We got together and had a potluck at their house and just hung out. We always have a good time with them. Jack and Quent had a ball playing there with the other kids (and grown-ups too) and with all the cool toys they don't have at home.

and learning a little bit about size and fit at the same time.

here Quent is showing how they were wearing them - backwards!

turned into a coming home celebration for her too!
Jack decided he would lay with her and keep her company while she rested.
We were all very worried for Miss Alexis there for a while,
but she is doing SO much better now! Thank Goodness!
Hmmmm........what else......
Oh, we had an awesome date night this past saturday with our good friends Sarah and Mark. My parents kept the boys overnight and we went to meet Sarah and Mark in Lansing for the evening. We went to dinner at DeLuca's, my most favorite place in Lansing and Sarah's too. They have the best spinach pizza, oh - yummy! The wait was forever, but totally worth it, I think :)
After dinner we split up, girls together and boys together and did a little shopping and then met back up at the movie theater and saw Step-Brothers. It was HILARIOUS!!! We were laughing so hard I was crying! I would see it again and it will probably be one that we buy when it comes out. Just too funny. We all had a really good time, thanks Sarah and Mark (and to the grandparents that were watching all the kids so we could go out).
So, now that this has become a novel, I will end this post and try to catch up on reading some of my favorite blogs!
Oh, we had an awesome date night this past saturday with our good friends Sarah and Mark. My parents kept the boys overnight and we went to meet Sarah and Mark in Lansing for the evening. We went to dinner at DeLuca's, my most favorite place in Lansing and Sarah's too. They have the best spinach pizza, oh - yummy! The wait was forever, but totally worth it, I think :)
After dinner we split up, girls together and boys together and did a little shopping and then met back up at the movie theater and saw Step-Brothers. It was HILARIOUS!!! We were laughing so hard I was crying! I would see it again and it will probably be one that we buy when it comes out. Just too funny. We all had a really good time, thanks Sarah and Mark (and to the grandparents that were watching all the kids so we could go out).
So, now that this has become a novel, I will end this post and try to catch up on reading some of my favorite blogs!
Yikes, yes the two's. Terrific that they communicate so well with you, terrible the way that they choose to communicate.
I can surely see the 'terrific twos' in our future. Sarah had the meltdown of all meltdowns tonight! Whoa! Thankfully Jacob was perfectly content until she started to scare him with her screaming after she bumped her head after throwing herself on the floor. OMG!
And Oh! I am sooo jealous! Deluca's!?!?! That is my absolute favorite pizza place!! It is less than a mile from my parents and I actually grew up with one of the Deluca girls. I so want to go to my parents soon and go eat there! Yum!!!
Glad your date went good! And don't worry...it gets better (one day!)
Oh Lisa, I am right there with you. I love my babies and they can be so cute and yet be so stubborn five minute later. When we have the cuteness going on, they always stop as soon as I get out the camera too.
Time outs are a bit hard here right now. Liam will stay, but Brenna, well I have to hold her there, and then Liam thinks she is getting to sit by me and he wants to come join us. And then when Brenna is done she goes right back to what she is doing and then Liam follows....at times I swear I spend 30 minutes back and forth in time out....I keep telling myself, consistancy will pay off. (fingers crossed!)
Anyway, hope to see you this week at the Multiples Meeting.
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