Yesterday, we escaped the house and went to Gramma and Papa's to play and have dinner. That was a welcomed and fun time away. I probably don't have to say how much Jack and Quent LOVE to go to Gramma and Papa's. So much so, that I don't tell them we are going until we are getting shoes on and ready to leave, otherwise they go nuts waiting to go (can you blame 'em - they are only 2 and don't really get the concept of 'later' or 'tomorrow especially when you're talking about something fun!)
Today, Momma got to sleep in - Oh, Thank You Tom! (it's his day tomorrow) and then we just puttered around at home and played here. This evening Tom wanted to go and have dinner at Thompson Creek Turkey Farm. Its a local place that has the best turkey meals, they also have to-die-for turkey jerky and I don't like the beef stuff, this is totally different and yummy.
So, we took the boys out for dinner on a rainy night. They had so much fun flirting with one of the girls who was working there. She would walk out and they would both wave and yell, "Hi, Hi, Hi!" They do love the ladies! With their meals they got a cookie and boy was that the highlight of their meal (I had kept them hidden under a napkin so they would be more likely to eat the turkey and veggies) We all had a good dinner and after bath and stories for the boys, all is quiet. Except for the snoring from Tom and maybe even from Quent :)

More rain is expected tomorrow, so we will have to come up with something to do that will keep us all from cabin fever. What will we do when winter comes?!
I've had TCTF jerky but never eaten a whole meal there. Will need to check it out sometime!
Looks like a fun place to go for dinner! LOVE the pics of the boys! so cute
UGH! Sorry about all the rain. I LOVE rainy days, but not so many in a row :(
Glad you got some much needed rest. And the food sure did look yummy!
I have heard of that place, never been there though.
The rain....I was thinking the same thing last week, we have cabin fever and its not even wintertime....ahhh!!!!
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