As promised, here are some pictures from our zoo trip, playing outside at Gramma and Papa's. and from GG's birthday party. These are all from last weekend, it was a busy weekend of fun and excitement with family!

Quent and Alex looking at the wolves, they were actually out this time (I think it was feeding time).

Alex, Quent and Jack all lined up looking at the noisy crow

Jack was taking a spin in this old truck, everyone else was in the butterfly house, but Jack and I hung out here instead.

Quent, Gramma,
Jack and Alex
riding the train around the zoo. This has to be one of our favorite things to do!

Its was hilarious how they were all crouching down to talk to this pig!

The boys were so excited to feed this cow, but a little afraid of him actually taking the hay from their hands. So, Gramma helped out. And after the cow was done, Jack and Quent were picking up any little bit of hay on the ground trying to give it to the cow!

Watching the ducks swim - don;t worry we did not lose Jack, he is missing from the photo because he is on lockdown on the stroller. The little booger kept running away from us and when we would go after him and tel him to stop, he would run faster - and laugh! So, his consequence was some time in the stroller, which he hated, but I don't really know if that deterred him from running away or not. He spent a lot of time in there that day.

Oh Boy! The penguins actually were swimming!!
It was hard to tell if the boys were following the penguins back on forth or if the penguins were following them!

All the boys loved this and we stayed here until all the penguins were out. And from this angle and when they are dressed alike, Jack and Quent do look very similar.
It was a fun, fun zoo trip!

Avery is getting Gramma's toes with the cool pool water!

Rob was chasing all the kids and splashing them.
Avery was pretty good at getting him wet too!

Tessa thought those kids were pretty funny!

Daddy giving Jack a spin!

Quent just got a big splash! He loved it, he loves the water!

All the guys (Rob, Len, Tom) chasing after all the kids
Ky-Ky is getting some cool shots, I'm sure

GG, Aunt Jean and Tessa swinging. GG's birthday party was at Aunt Margaret and Uncle Eldon's house. It was a beautiful weather day.

Avery and Rob in the water, Tom and Quent behind them.
Avery is so brave in the water and with her swim vest on, she wanted to go on her own! She really swam around pretty well.

Quent taking a big jump into the pool with Daddy's help

Jack is a little more timid, but he likes to jump too. Uncle Lenny is ready to catch him!

GG (my Grndma) opening her gifts. She is wearing the bracelet that I made for her, I loved how it turned out, she seemed to like it too. It had her and my Papa's birthstones, their wedding date stone, and all their children's, grand children's, and great-grand children's birthstones in it. 42 stones in all!! What a legacy!

Kyle and Tessa helping GG open her gifts.
Fun birthday party and we had a good time visiting with everyone!
omg, what a busy, fun weekend! I just love the zoo pics. I can not wait till my boys are a little older and we can take them back. I love the pig
and how sweet is your grandma...the idea about the braclet is awesome. I'm sure she loves it, so sweet!!
We just got back from the zoo ourselves!
What an awesome idea with the bracelet for your Grandma. I will have to remember that for my parents' bday or anniversary! very cool!!
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