but these cars, too:

There were lots of people and TONS of cars! Not that I am some car enthusiast or something, but it is pretty cool to see all these really nice, mostly old, cars.

It was immaculate and had pink and brown seats, very cool!

In other my other Cars news -
We had Jack's follow up sleep study this Wednesday and I took along our Cars movie so that he would have a distraction while they did all the hooking up. Thank goodness for this movie! He is totally mesmerized by the thing and we probably could have done anything to him as long as he could have seen the TV during it. He did really well throughout all the getting hooked up and ready.
I wish I would have brought my camera to take a picture of him in all the stuff they put on him. I mean you can do a Google image search and find lots of pics of people hooked up for a sleep study, but its not nearly as cute as Jack all strapped up and ready to go.
Good news! - He slept much better this time and the tech said that most likely they will find no issues in his readouts! Hooray! If that's the case, then the tonsils/adenoids were definitely his only issue! I can get official results next week, but I am sure all will be fine.
I am just so glad it is over, OY! I don't really sleep at all during these tests because I am working like crazy to keep him calmed down or from pulling something off or to readjust the thing in his nose so it picks up correctly (See, I learned that if this one number went to low on this machine, a red light would flash and then soon after that the tech would come in and adjust that tube in his nose. Well, as nice as she was, Jack screamed every time she would come in and touch him, so I figured if she is just moving that tube because of how he is laying, to get the air to move better, then I could do that. So, each time I would catch it first and adjust it myself. Jack rarely woke up for me and she rarely had to come in. But that equals no sleep for Mom - the upside is a much better rested guy who takes far less time to recoup his energy from the test. It was worth it.)
How fun! Glad the sleep test went well and that it looks like the problem is solved! Yeah! Glad you all made it through!
The car parade looks so fun! I LOVED the pink car you liked! Very cool! (esp with the brown seats.)
Glad to hear about the sleep study. Please keep us updated.
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