Monday, August 25, 2008

Boy - Am I behind or what?!

Lately, I have been pretty bad at keeping up with my blogging and with my blogger friends' blogs. I would say that I have just been busy, but it has been just as busy as it normally is. And it really has been because a lack of cute and funny things my adorable boys have been doing, its just that time gets away from me and here I am playing catch up again...

Just so much to share, I will start with some from 2 weekends ago and that following week:

Avery and Tessa came to play, we had so much fun!
Here's the 3 Brittkateers dancing to The Wiggles (one of our favorites!)
Earlier that day when we were playing outside, we had our first bee sting. Quent had tried to pick one up out of the pool and it got him. He did really well though, no severe reaction. Whew!
But he still talks about "not touching those bees" and " It can't get me, Uncle Robby squished that bee"

Tessa decided she would cook up something in the kitchen.
Look at that big girl pulling up and standing!

Quent and Jack having some fun in their jungle pool

Little Miss Avery with her Butterfly wings on!

In the early morning one day, Quent discovered how cool his shadow could be.
And he played and played, doing all sorts of movements in the sunlight!
It was super cute!

Cutie Jack wearing his favorite hat and racing his truck along the table.
Playing with the vehicles in the kitchen has been BIG fun lately!
And since it lets me get some stuff done in their while they are busy, we all win!

Okay, well I will stop there for now and update more later.
Still to come: A trip to the zoo with GG, Gramma, and Alex, more fun with Avery and Tessa this past weekend and GG's birthday!


debi9kids said...

I've missed you!
I have had the same problems- life just getting in the way. ;)
Great pictures! Just love the shadow pics!

Harris Boys said...

I know how you feel. life is crazy right now in our house hold too.

love the pic of Quent and his shadow, so neat