As part of a display she is making, she wanted to include personal stories of some of the people there. Amy is sharing her story about her son Nathaniel and her friend Nancy is sharing her story about her daughter Madison, both babies passed away, or became angels as I like to say, in 2007. Amy wanted me to share my stories about Joshua and Sarah & Jacob.
So, here is what I wrote for about my little angels, because it is in honor of their memory that I have taken the March of Dimes as our special cause to support.
Joshua Thomas Goodwill
At 19 weeks pregnant, my cervix began to dilate. The doctors said that I had an incompetent cervix and was put in the hospital on strict bed rest to help stop the process of labor. I stayed on bed rest for 4 weeks before I had to deliver Joshua.
Joshua was called a micro-preemie, weighing 1 pound 6 ounces at birth, which was 23 weeks 2 days gestation. He was the smallest baby in the NICU. But he was perfect. Small, but perfect. He had his Momma’s nose and eyes and his Daddy’s hands and feet. He was all of our love, hopes, and dreams rolled into one tiny, beautiful boy.
Joshua was a typical baby in that he loved his pacifier, he loved to sleep on his tummy, and he loved to be held. He fought the typical premature baby battles like immature lungs, feeding and bowel issues, and infection.
Our sweet baby Joshua lost his battle for life to a perforated bowel (NEC) and sepsis. He was 7 weeks and 2 days old, and the firstborn love of our lives.
March of Dimes research benefited our son Joshua, allowing the medical advances to be there to help give him the best possible chance at life. It allowed us to have that precious time with him. March of Dimes continues to help preemies like Joshua, that’s why our family supports the March of Dimes, In memory of our sweet Joshua.
Thank you for your support-
Lisa and Tom, Jack, and Quent
(Joshua’s Momma and Daddy, and 2 youngest brothers)
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Sarah Jane and Jacob Robert Goodwill
Born and Became Angels on
Sarah and Jacob were born at 21 weeks gestation, they weighed 12 ounces and 15 ounces respectively. They came so early because I have an incompetent cervix and what we later found out to be a hypoplastic uterus (doesn’t expand enough to accommodate the pregnancy) causing preterm labor.
Despite the best medical interventions, I had to deliver Sarah and Jacob too early. They lived for 3 hours, cuddled together in our arms. Not nearly enough time to get to know these 2 beautiful souls, our pretty little girl and handsome boy. Sarah looked like Momma and Jacob had so much of Daddy’s features, like big brother Joshua. We took some comfort knowing that their big brother Joshua was there to welcome them into heaven.
Our family supports the March of Dimes in Sarah and Jacob’s memory. Funding their research could help to find out why moms deliver early, how to prevent preterm labor, and to find the best ways to make sure that all babies get the 9 months they need.
Thank you for your support-
Lisa and Tom, Jack, and Quent
(Sarah and Jacob’s Momma and Daddy, and 2 little brothers)
Wow Lisa...God bless your three angels. I'd seen on your March of Dimes page that you had lost 3 babies, but had not known the stories. It's not lost on me either - that your twins were Sarah and Jacob. Even more Sarah was named after my own sister "Sarah Jane" who my mom miscarried when I was 5 or 6 years old. Two Sarah angels up above - wonder if they've met :-)
Thanks Barb.
I am sure my Sarah Jane and yours have met. I believe there is a special place in heaven for the littlest souls.
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