Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gotta check out the Body Builder in the family

My cousin Bryan (as seen in this prior post) is competing this Saturday in the Mr. Flint Junior bodybuilding contest. He has worked really hard (as you will see by the awesome results) and to my untrained eye, I think he should have a really good shot at winning!

The local news here did a story on the upcoming competition and Bryan is in it - in the beginning and again at the end (he's the one in the "light red" speedo!) Check it out!

Hopefully he does not kill me for posting this, but we are so proud Bryan and we are rooting for ya!!

Good Luck Bryan!!


packersfanbaby said...

Heya Lisa, this is Liz, Sarah's younger sister. My friend Nichole just found out she is expecting twins, and she lives in the Grand Blanc area. I thought that this was your mom's of multiples group was from...but I wasn't sure. If it is can you give me some info about it-Nichole is really interested in joining a mom's of multiples group. She's about to be a first time mom to twins, and is pretty nervous! Let me know the info-and hopefully we'll see each other again soon.

cat said...

I myself find bodybuilder's bodies a bit yucky, it I know it is such hard work! Good going Bryan.