Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Congrats Bryan!

Bryan at his Eagle Scout ceremony and celebration on Friday night.
He worked super hard to get his Eagle Scout and we were so happy and proud to be there to celebrate with him. It is really a major accomplishment!
Congratulations Bryan, Great Job!

The kids were all really excited about the cake - what kid is not excited about cake, right?!
Avery, Quent and Jack sitting with Gramma.

Mmmm cake. Just how big of a piece can I fit in here?

Tessa making silly faces while eating with Abby and Avery.

There was lots of family there (I wish I had taken more pics) and lots of people to run around and talk to. The kids had a good time chasing each other and climbing up onto the stage, probably fueled by all that cake sugar!
It was a really nice party, Congratulations again Bryan!

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