Like , Oh my God! I like totally cannot believe that I like found these bitchin' pictures of me from like high school, like they are like totally awesome!
I had the chance to meet up with some girls from high school for dinner last week. It was so fun! We all found each other on facebook (yep - I am now in its clutches!) and one o fthe girls suggested that we all get together. So, 8 of us ended up being able to go and we had a good time catching up and commenting on how old we feel!! Its funny, I was telling them, I know that I have grown up, gotten married, had kids, etc., but when I think of them I still think o fthem as their high school selves. Its weird.
So, I was going through some old pictures and decided to scan in few.
Have a good laugh at the hairdos and totally 80/90's styles, the pics are from my senior year, 1992!
Let the hilarity begin...

Me and some friends in what i think is some math class, not sure if its algebra or what.
I am the one, with the relatively small hairdo for me, 2nd from the right.

Here I am sporting a little taller 'do, but am pretty sure i am in physics class, not sure why everyone is watching what I am doing, or really what I am doing?!

My gosh - here is me, Sharon, and April bowling on our last day of school senior year (which happened to be my birthday!). We had gone out to celebrate and that included bowling! There were a bunch of us and I do remember it being pretty fun. Love the giant bows in our hair! Yep, I am wearing a Ren and Stimpy shirt (remember that show?), ever the fashionista!

This is Stephanie and me volunteering for Biking for Burns. It may or may not be my senior year, not sure, but golly that hair is BIG! I remember using a lot of hairspray back then. I had to periodically scrubthe hairspray buildup on my vanity in my room from the fallout of the vast amount I used every day! Not to mention the carpet would get stiff behind the vanity chair and that wold bnee dt be cleaned too. I do hold some personal responsibility for the breakdown of our ozone layer.

These are from Senior banquet, its me and my friend April, just in case you don;t know I am the one in the awesome floral patterned dress! And no I am not drinking alcohol in the bottom picture, it was some fruity drink they had, like punch. Oh no, I don't need alcohol to act goofy and silly! That still holds true!
So, head on over to
Twinfatuation to see who else is feeling nostalgic tonight!
Oh Lisa, great memories and great pictures.
how fun!! Makes me want to dig through my old photos and scan some in. I think I know where they are...tempting for next week!!
how are the boys feeling? Any better? We're all clear here! whew!
Oh dear heaven, HOW did I miss these?!?!
This Way Back When-esday Makes My Monday! Thank you so much for the smiles. :)
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