I am busily sorting, organizing, and pricing baby and toddler stuff that the boys have outgrown :( to sell at the Mom 2 Mom sale next weekend (more on that) and with all the other stuff that normally goes on around here , I have neglected my blogging duties!
So, here's the short version:
** Shameless plug - My mothers of Multiples mom 2 mom sale is this Saturday, April 4th 9am-1pm at Fenton High School. Lots of great stuff, i always find a ton there for the boys. Let me know if you need more details. Hey - the more people that are there, the better chance I have of selling all my stuff!!
** The last plug - actually plea for donations to the Marchof Dimes Walk for Babies. See my little purple box that keeps track ofmy doantions and has the cute pic of Jack and Quent, just to the right of this? If you have not donated, please consider doing so. This is the one cause that I really push, they do such important work. Help us make our goal!
Many Thanks to all our family and friends who have donated already!!
**The boys had gotten over a flu bug without major issue, had about 10 healthy days and are now fighting a cold. Poor guys. The crazy weather fluctuations don't help. 58 degrees and sunny on Friday - today 30 degrees (or less) and rain/sleet/snow. Michigan, need I say more.
**Potty training has been more successful lately! They both have done really well this past few days especially. The other night Quentin (maybe a little surprisingly to himself) pooped on his potty and that was cause for major excitement and celebration. Today, he told Tom he wanted to go potty and when he helped him on to the potty, Quent actually did pee!! Jack has been much more cooperative with the whole process, that has always been our obstacle with him , so yeah!
**On the subject of Quent - he needs to see an ENT for fluid in his ears that is not draining. He failed a hearing screening at playgroup and upon seeing the pediatritian, he saw lots of fluid behind his eardrums. Right now, it does not seem to be affecting his speech or even what he hears (he seems to hear most things), but it could develop into problems for him so we will be getting that checked out soon. More on that when I know more.
**The new glasses. Oh Blarg!
Gettng somewhat used to wearing them sucked. Tons of headaches and muscle spasms. Then I realized - the lens for the right eye (aka the bad eye) has no prescription in it!! Its just stinkin' plastic!! So my left eye is getting its adjustment and my right eye is still sucking big time!
Called the eye place and "oops, we don't know how that could have happened." Because I have never worn glasses before I thought that the blurriness would subside when I got used to them - NOT if there is nothing to get used to! A new right lens has been ordered and I should have it soon. (the sunglasses were correct and the comparison between the 2 is what tipped me off)
**The boys have moved up to bigger boy car seats (Jack was 1/2 pound over the weight mark and Quent was close to it too, so time to move up). They were some work to install, but now we will be riding in style in our new big boy seats thanks to Gramma and Papa's early Birthday gift. Thanks Gramma and Papa

In a nutshell, that's all the scoop I can think of right now. But its late and I'm tired...