These pictures I selected from the last few months that capture some cute and memorable times that we have had - some everyday adorable stuff - including the silly and funny!!
Jack and his tower of blocks. I must say these blocks were some of the best toys we have ever had. They are cardboard and come out of the package flat. They take a crazy long time to fold them all up into block shapes, but they are so worth it! You'll see a few have some paper torn off and maybe even some bite marks in them, but they are well used and loved. They have become towers, houses, roads, train tracks, barnyards, and much more. BEST part: they are very light, so as not to cause major bodily injury when inevitably thrown at your brother!!
Quent loves his cars.
They both love cars really, but here's a picture of Quent with some of our favorite cars from the CARS movie (which coincidentally they are watching in the other room as I type this!) They can quote pretty much all the lines from that movie and often act them out with the cars they have. Oh and they have far more than these pictured. Here the cars are lined up for a race. Of course they are!
Quentin is talking to his Gramma on the phone and he was just so adorable walking around the house telling her everything he could think of to stay on the phone longer. He is definitely the talker of the two boys - wonder where he got that from?!
Quent playing on the wooden train at the Orchard while Daddy watches.
Peek! Jack pops up through the opening of a train car at the orchard.
The boys are taking the wooden tractor out for a spin.
I tell you, these wooden vehicles at the orchard were so cool, we wish we had some in our yard to play with!!
Wow look at all those apples -
(on our orchard tour)
Checking out the piglets at the orchard farm with some of our Mothers of Multiples friends.
(take note: RARE sighting of me in the pictures!)
Momma and her boys ready to have some cider and donuts at the orchard.
Beautiful weather, wonderful day for the 4 of us and some great friends!
Yes, one day Jack will curse me for these.
BUT they are so darn cute!!
I LOVE that he takes a book and reads while he is in the bathroom. Of course I started it when we were potty training to get them to sit on the potty longer, but he has very much continued doing it. I cannot be in there when he is having some private time. He says , "Momma go, go, I will call you when I am done!", but I just had to take a picture of that cute boy in there reading on the throne.
These pictures just go to show that they can be nice to each other and love each other and have sweet moments together. Actually they play together quite nicely a lot, but they also have those not-so-nice times and these photos help me to remember the great brothers and friends they really are!
Jack playing trampoline basketball with Sierra.
She's on the freshman team at school, maybe she is giving him some tips!
Brendan jumping with the boys too, and looks like he is helping Jack to stay standing :)
More jumping from Sierra and Quentin.
Sierra, Brendan, Jack and Quent take a second to pose for Tom to take a picture!
Yum, gummy worms.
Making dirt pudding with gummy worms at playgroup.
The best part is eating it all up when we are done making it!
Quentin takes his finger painting seriously, he uses his whole arm!
Quent, Jack and some friends Teddy and Amelia playing after playgroup.
Some of my Mothers of Multiples friends partying together for Denise's Birthday!
Back row: Dorothy, Stephanie, Denise, Barb (from My Sweet Life), and me
Front row: Amy, Dawn, Liz, Susie, and Jen.
All of us are Mommas of sets of twins, some with a few more kiddos too!
What an awesome bunch of women!
Jack, AJ, and Quent making cute smiles for the camera.
My boys are 3 1/2 and AJ was 2 on Halloween, they were the perfect ages to have loads of FUN together while the Moms (and dads too) got to do some catching up.
Watching Mindy (AJ's Momma) doing something silly!!
Me and (one of my bestest friends) Mindy!!
Mindy, her husband Tony, and their son AJ visited us in December from North Carolina on their way through to Tony's family Up North. I was so thrilled to get to see my Mindy!!
Mindy and I met when we worked together for ACTS in Lansing back in 2001 and she has been such an awesome friend and support for me through so many amazing and trying times throughout all these years. I so miss getting to hang out with her everyday at work. We even sometimes got some work done too!! She just recently moved back to the states after being in Germany for 3 years - sad time for the Lisafer* that she was so far away. Despite the sometimes long distance we have stayed super close and will always be!
The only bummer of that night was that our other ACTS super friend, Sarah, was not able to make it :(
We missed you so much Sarah!
(*Lisafer is my nickname from way back and kinda crazy to explain, but if she or some of the other ACTS friends read this, they will get it!)
Only one more post to go to wrap up all the happenings in 2009!!
Woo Hoo!!
Are you enjoying this as much as me?!

Loved the pics of Quent on the phone and Jack on the potty! Too cute!!!
Heck...I WISH my two preferred their privacy in the bathroom...Sarah INSISTS that I accompany her while she's in there - ugh! not only can I think of about 500 other things I could be doing but she often takes her time and is definitely stinkier than her brother! pee-eww! lol!
My little man L also lines up his cars all the time!
Oh Lisa, I LOVE all these shots!
(That picture of you with the boys is adorable...they look JUST like you!)
You and Barb are in the same MOMs group??? SO jealous!
Hope 2010 is a wonderful one for you...thanks for the glimpse back. :)
Great photos Lisa! I am esp LOVING the photos of the boys reading together. So sweet!
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