Last year, we went the easy way out and just painted on the pumpkins. This year, we decided that the boys would probably really enjoy carving our pumpkins. We were right!
(you will have to excuse the terrible red eye in some of the pictures, as I was pretty much done I realized I had not gone through and corrected them, oops)

They are digging in.

Jack liked to squish and feel all the 'guts' that we had pulled out...

...He usually made this icky face as he did it.
Eewww, feels so good and so gross.

Quent just loved getting all the stuff out, he worked really hard to get it all out.

Now they are telling Momma what shapes to make the eyes, nose and mouth.

Just look at my proud boy, Quent!
(gosh, he looks really grown up here too :(
On Monday, we went to the Mothers of Multiples Halloween party that was hosted by the church where we have our meetings. They just did a great job having so many things for the kids to do and see. They loved getting the candy, but the activities were far more fun! We all had a really good time and we got to use our super cute costumes!

Penguin Quent

Penguin Jack

All my boys having some cookies.

Playing with Braeden the Knight on the chair trolley that they always seem to gravitate to when we go there for activities. What's up with that?

Quent loved our friends, Jacob and Sarah's, Mickey and Minnie Mouse costumes.

Quent also loved this little dog, Gretchen.
(mind you he's the one who is allergic to dog saliva)
Jack would not go anywhere near the dog because the woman that owned it was dressed up as a duck/chicken (I really couldn't tell)

Jumping in the balloon room!

Jack's motto: Any game that involves being encouraged to throw things is BIG FUN!

Quent was having a blast!
So, we played hard, had a great time, went to bed easily, and slept well. Ah, that's a good thing for us all!
Can't wait for more Halloween fun tomorrow!