In September we got to visit a local gymnastics studio for an open house and family fun day. The boys got to jump, bounce and play and got to explore a fire truck and ambulance that were there.
All my guys in the ambulance, checking out all the gear.
Quent was striking a little pose for Mom.
Jack makes a dashing firefighter!
That helmet was so huge and heavy, but he would have worn it all day if he could have.
Quent and Jack jumping on one of the big trampolines, they could get going pretty high on that thing!
WOO HOO - Jungle Jack!!
We tried really hard to get him to do the zip-line that they had but he was not so into that, I think he would have loved it.
Quent sliding into the foam pit, for maybe the 46th time!!
Jack in an action shot, going into the foam pit.
It was fun going in but then Tom had to try to fish them out because it was too deep to get out on there own, not so much fun for the Daddy!!
Quent is a pro on the wide and easy balance beam.
Jack liked this one because you could get it to swing while you were going across.
We also got the boys into a couple gymnastics classes through the Community Ed.
It was a rough start at first. They both were eager and more than willing to go with the teachers and do all the stuff they were asked to do, but it took them a little while to learn to stay with their group and stay on task following the directions. They got better and better as classes went on.
Taking attendance - they were supposed to say "here" when the teacher called their name.
Jack and Quent said "here" with everyone!!
(Jack is in the blue tie-dye, Quent is in the green tie-dye)
Quent is loving this gymnastics stuff!!
Running on the black line around the gym. Surprisingly, I got a picture with Jack actually running while still in line! More often, he would be taking cuts, running to the front, and in general - NOT on the black line.
But he was having a blast doing it!!
All lined up...
Doing tiptoe walking, supposed to be with your hands in the air :)
One of their favorites: donkey kicks!!

Swinging on the bar -
again another big favorite!!
We started classes in September and ended just before Christmas,
Oh, gymnastics class how we miss you!!

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