Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby Picture Sundays - Fruits and veggies

It has been waaayyyy too long since I played along with Debi over at Who says 8 is enough? on her Baby picture Sunday posts. i love looking through the boys baby shots and seeing how adorable those little babies were (now they are adorable little men!)
So, here is our take on her theme: Fruits and veggies -

Jack's first taste of squash, not too sure about it then, but it became a big favorite.

Quentin seemed a little happier about the new taste of squash

A little older and Quent has decided to feed himself - literally!

And here is a sight you will only see this once - Jack leaving apple slices still on his plate!
Both my guys are crazy about fruit and never leave any left.
(this happened to be on the day after his first sleep study and he was SO tired, poor guy)

Head on over to Debi's to see all the other cute baby pictures!


Unknown said...

oh! I remember that pic of Jack after the sleep study! so sweet!!

Love looking back at the tiny baby pics of the boys!!!

Great seeing you this week...and I'll see you again next week! :-)

cat said...

That is one tired little boy!

debi9kids said...

LOL at the sleepy guy! Too funny!

So glad you played along and I'm glad you posted babies trying veggies for the first time! I was hoping some people would do that! YEAH! So cute!

Brooke said...

Aww! Love the sleeping Jack pic!