Monday, June 1, 2009

Little Brother Lenny R.N.


My baby brother, Len, graduated from nursing school on Friday night!
We are so proud of him!
He has a job in ICU at a local hospital he will be starting soon and is so excited about it, I think he will be so great at it and will love it. Above he is with his proud wife, Kyle (alias 'Aunt Ky-Ky') posing after the graduation ceremony.

Here's a look at the rest of his cheering section:

Here's Len with our Gramma

And with Mom and Dad

He's the original "Momma's boy" and she is too proud for words!

Kyle's dad, Joel and his girlfriend, George Ann, pose with the graduate

And here's me and my "little" brothers.
Can you believe that I used to whoop on them big time?!
Well, that was before they were big enough to tower over me!
(Rob has his eyes closed and Len is the one with the cap and gown on, just in case you didn't know who was who -tee hee)

All your hard work paid off Len and we are all celebrating in your wonderful success!

1 comment:

cat said...

Congratulations Len! Hard work well done. I have such respect for nurses all over.