We have been talking to the boys a lot about underpants and staying dry and really encouraging the using of the potty. Wednesday we jumped in with all our feet!
We have been using underpants at home, with the exception of sleep time when we still use the diapers. When we went to Gramma and Papa's this evening we brought out the pull-ups (really want to avoid car seat messes for now) and that's what we will do for when we have to be out of the house until we have the underpants thing really down.
They have actually done pretty well. Yes, there have been accidents and wet underpants - even poopy ones, but there have been major successes too. So I am so encouraged that we are on our way to one day saying we are diaper free!!
I am SO Proud of my Jack and Quent!! Wow, what big boys they are becoming.
Their 3rd birthday is right around the corner, on June 7th and that is so hard for me to believe that they won't be 2 anymore! They are growing up so fast, just the other day I was listening to the 2 of them talk to each other while they were playing and it was an actual conversation between 2 brothers. I wish I had been able to capture it on video, it was adorable.
Quent now sings songs all the time - and I mean literally ALL the words to the songs. His favorites right now are 'Puff the Magic Dragon' and 'Day-O', but he will sing anything. And he makes up new words for songs like the song he made up about his cup, sung to the tune of 'You are my Sunshine'.
"You are my cup, my only cup. When I am thirsty, you let me have juice."
Yep, he's hilarious! He sings it for everyone, but when I get the video camera out he doesn't want to, but I am bound and determined to get that little songbird on film!
Jack, oh my Jack. He is ever the helper now. He wants to do whatever you are doing, helping you along the way. He is actually quite good at sweeping, putting laundry into the dryer and emptying the dishwasher. The latter so much that he wants to take the dirty dishes out before they can be washed!
He is so in love with my parent's dog, a black lab named Bess. Although he has (and Quent too) taken to calling her "Bessie Boo"! He lets her out, gives her treats, feeds her, and talks to her like she is going to talk back, it's really adorable. He says, "Bessie Boo loves me so much." tonight he was crawling under the table with her and loving on her, he gives her hugs and kisses all the time.
This carries over to how he is with his own stuffed dog, Cookie Dog. He will tell Cookie Dog to sit and give it treats and then Cookie Dog will "lick" him to give him kisses. So Cute!
One last thing before I stop writing is that I have to share our new favorite bedtime friend with you:
Jack, oh my Jack. He is ever the helper now. He wants to do whatever you are doing, helping you along the way. He is actually quite good at sweeping, putting laundry into the dryer and emptying the dishwasher. The latter so much that he wants to take the dirty dishes out before they can be washed!
He is so in love with my parent's dog, a black lab named Bess. Although he has (and Quent too) taken to calling her "Bessie Boo"! He lets her out, gives her treats, feeds her, and talks to her like she is going to talk back, it's really adorable. He says, "Bessie Boo loves me so much." tonight he was crawling under the table with her and loving on her, he gives her hugs and kisses all the time.
This carries over to how he is with his own stuffed dog, Cookie Dog. He will tell Cookie Dog to sit and give it treats and then Cookie Dog will "lick" him to give him kisses. So Cute!
One last thing before I stop writing is that I have to share our new favorite bedtime friend with you:

These things are so worth the cost (although they were only about $17 each) - from the first night we got them, both boys have been out like a light (haha I made a funny) very quickly, staying in their beds, and it has just about ended the "there's a scary octopus in my bedroom" by Quentin at night.

Good going boys! Proud of you. I think somebody is asking for his own live labrador.
The home stretch of potty training good for them...and you! I love Quent's song! Cool nightlight too!
BTW...you were correct about your guess on our blog, ugh!
The making up words to songs must be a boy thing. For one, Paul is always doing it...but Jacob does it too! I laughed the whole way home the other day b/c he kept singing his own songs to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle...words like "Tractor tractor, big tractor!" or "Big truck, big truck, big, big, truck!" LOL!!! I loved it!!
We are potty training, too! Sarah is doing really well with #1...stayed dry all day all week long (naps are good, but bedtime isn't even a goal for now! haha!). SHe's gone #2 in the potty a few times but went twice in her pull up/panties today (once at school and once at home...but while playing outside...although tonight was partly daddy's mistake. She said she had to go inside...and he didn't let her in, until he heard her toot and realized WHY she wanted to go inside...but she didn't say she had to go potty...just that she wanted to go in. Bummer!)
Anyways...best of luck to both of us! Hopefully we'll be diaper free soon! (well...at least with 2 of my 3!!)
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