Friday, November 7, 2008

Boogie Patrol

Okay, my kids are freakin' hilarious!

We met my Mom for lunch today at Red Robin after a particularly tiring playtime at the mall playscape (Debi put the bug in my brain., thanks.)

So, we are done eating and the boys notice a baby girl sitting at the next table, maybe 6-8 months old. She is drinking a bottle, so we are talking about how Baby Tessa (their cousin) drinks milk from a bottle too, baby stuff, etc.

Quent decides as we are leaving that he wants to say hi to the baby. Now, we are telling him he can say hello, but not touch the baby. Both Quent and Jack go over and Quent starts talking in his high pitched "baby talk", what he does to babies and animals, you know that 'parentese' they talk about in all the parenting books - that's it.

All of a sudden, all the adults are laughing, and I didn't hear why.

Here's Why:

Quent had said, "OH, she has got a booger in her nose"

Of course he probably delivered it with the wrinkled nose, icky face. He was right. Her Dad said she did have a booger though, they didn't want her to scream in the restaurant so they just left it.

My boy speaks the truth.

Later, in the car, he could not stop talking about it and listening to it all Jack just says, quite matter of factly, "Ew, gross!"

Sometimes my face just hurts from laughing so hard.


mom2anangel said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning Lisa - I can just picture it and it is hilarious!! Your boys are FUNNY!!

Unknown said...

how funny!!! What silly boys!

cat said...

I can just see the little scene playing out! Bet you her parents thought he was cute though.