Poor, poor neglected blog.
I have the best of intentions and often plan to sit and share some of the fun and wonderful moments in our family's life, but then I get distracted or busy or in general lose the ambition that I had to write. So, here I am - MONTHS after I lasted blogged and once again I will try to do better :)
My "babies" started kindergarten this month. Yep, I said kindergarten.
I knew it would happen eventually, but I was SO not prepared. They got to full day kindergarten and they love it. They love taking their lunch, they love 2 recesses, they love playing with their friends, they love their teachers, they love riding the bus home - all of it - they LOVE all of it!
Quent and Jack on their first day!
Jack is on his seat and ready!
Can you tell how happy Quent is to be there?
Having Lunch with Momma
The first day was just a 1/2 day, so we went out for a special lunch with Momma, and where did they want to go for a special lunch? McDonald's, I guess "special" means different things to kindergarteners than it does to moms.
Hopefully you will be seeing more of us around here, we had a super fun and busy summer and I would love to share some of that too. Lots of special times and toms of pictures!

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