Not to mention the constant battle of potty training. We are making headway there, but we are still a bit away from our goal. We keep trying!
Last Wednesday evening was the Davison Festival of Flags parade. Not the best parade I have ever been to, and we got rained on during the 1 1/2 hours of parade.
Yep, you read that right.
One and a half hours!
Totally unnecessary for any parade to be that long, but when the parade is broken into sections with huge breaks where you are seeing nothing for a while, it makes for a LONG (and in this case, wet) parade!
But when you are 3 years old, you don't care. Its a parade! So what if you get wet, so what if it is forever long. They are throwing candy at you and you get to see some pretty cool stuff. Kinda wishing I was 3!
Anyway, rainy parade or not, we had a good time spending time with GG at the parade and having dinner with her after. The boys do LOVE their GG!

Every time I tried to get the picture, Quent would wave it in his own face. So, here is Jack waving his flag and Quent behind his.

Luckily we had our chairs and umbrellas, we came prepared!

On Friday, we met some friends at jump and bounce playplace in Flint. It is a bunch of those inflatables that the kids can go crazy on! It was hard to get any pictures because the kids were moving so fast and jumping most of the time, but here is my attempt at some pics of the fun time they had.

They are weird angles or blurry or kids are not looking in the right direction. Too bad, all the kids were really cute! But a fun time was had nonetheless. All the kids were sweaty and tired by the end of our allotted hour and mine slept great for their nap as I am sure they all did!
** Don't forget to keep scrolling down through tonight's posts to see more pictures from our busy July!