Many, many pictures from just 3 of the zoo trips over the summer and fall that just need to be shared.
Be prepared to be bombarded with adorable kids and funny zoo moments!
You have been warned :)
August Trip to the Children's Zoo:
with Me, Jack and Quent, Gramma, Avery and Tessa
You have been warned :)
August Trip to the Children's Zoo:
with Me, Jack and Quent, Gramma, Avery and Tessa
Just about the cutest Gramma and her Grandbabies picture ever!
Sometimes it is just not easy to get 4 kids looking the same way at the same time!
Carousel Kids:

All 4 of the Brittkateers piled into the wooden truck!

Then we had a popsicle and some playtime with Natalie before we packed it in to go home.
Feeding the really big cow with Gramma:
Now we need a little playtime!

No, you need to play Quent!
What is that face Tessa?!
Jack and his favorite: the wooden truck.
Buddies - Avery and Quent
This was Tessa's tantrum.
No yelling or screaming - just a silent sit down protest to something she did not like.
But really isn't that just too adorable!!

September Trip to the Detroit Zoo with our Friends:
Sarah and Mark and their boys Jeremiah and Aaron
Amy and Greg and their baby girl Natalie

Jack (above) and Quent (below) sitting on the water squirting frogs.
These are so much fun, there was always kids sitting on them and playing in the water.
There are 3 frogs that face each other in a circle and they all take turns 'spitting' water.
Quent (above) and Jack, Mark, and Aaron (below) checking out one of the dinosaurs.
Aww, my Quent looking out onto the fountain pool...
Amy holding little Miss Natalie (I'm sure Greg was taking the picture)
Our family shot at the bear fountain.
My Mom has picture of me and my brothers as kids in front of this same fountain, I will have to look for those.

If it has buttons, knobs or controls - my Jack is all over it!
The giraffes were so very cool, and they were so close to us.
The boys LOVED this!
On our way to see the polar bears!
(at some point we had gotten separated from Sarah and her family, but they reported that they were having fun and were doing their own thing, so we all just went on and hoped we would catch up later. We didn't, but everyone was okay with that and had fun anyway!)
Greg and Natalie waiting for the train to take us back to the front of the zoo.
Yep, the zoo is that big that no one had the energy to walk ALL the way back to the front so we took the train.
But Jack and Quent pretty much love trains, so that was very cool with them!
My absolute favorite picture of these two guys!
Natalie riding the train on her Daddy's lap.
Me and my babies!
Heading out, we had to exchange some things with Amy at the cars. But at the car we get a call from Amy that she has a flat tire! So, we got to spend a little extra time playing with Natalie while Tom changed the tire.
The tow truck could not fit into the zoo parking structure, Woo hoo for Tom saving the day!
October Trip to the Zoo Boo:
with the 4 of us, Gramma, Uncle Lenny and Aunt Kyle.
Aunt Kyle and Uncle Lenny were at the Zoo Boo with her work, passing out bags and goodies to everyone. Kyle was the one who got us some passes from her connections - without her we would not have been able to go to the sold out event! Thanks Aunt Ky-Ky for the hook-up!
The weather was cool and rainy, but cleared while we there. It actually turned out to be a nice night and we were all dressed warm, so the weather did not keep us away. The boys had a blast!!

Gramma walking her little monkeys into the zoo.
Totally amazed at the GIANT pumpkin
Daddy and the boys make their way through the hay bale maze.
What fun kid sized alternative to the corn maze!
One of my Wild Things with Where the Wild Things Are exhibit.
There were lots of very creative painted pumpkin exhibits all over the zoo!
Gramma and the boys checking out some of the creepy creatures in the reptile house - ewwww!
Monkeys and More Monkeys!!
Our family by the fountain (same one as the earlier picture)
Gramma, Momma, and the monkeys trying to see all the birds out on the pond
Lovey Jack!
Luckily the hats of their costumes were a little big and we could fit their winter hats under there, it definitely kept them warm while we were out in the cold weather. You know us folks here in Michigan have to choose Halloween costumes that can be worn with winter gear or without - in Michigan you never know if it will be 30 degrees or 70 degrees on Halloween!!
After their shift handing out goodies, Aunt Kyle and Uncle Len meet up with us to finish the route.
And Uncle Lenny poses with Quent and Jack.
After the zoo, we went to Max and Erma's for dinner. YUM!
And of course we had to have the fresh baked chocolate chip cookies after dinner.
(nope, I am not getting paid for my endorsement, but that would be nice!)
Here's just how much my boys love cookies and being silly:
Oh, I love those beautiful eyes - both boys!!
Are you tired? I am!
That catches up some of the photos that I have accumulated over the last few months when I have been MIA for the most part. I have been around, still reading and commenting sometimes, just not feeling inspired to work on posts. But I am feeling that I want to make sure I share some of the wonderful moments we had this summer/fall with all our family and friends!
Just a few more marathon posts and maybe I will get back on track!