Saturday, June 28, 2008

Obstructive Apnea it is

Yep, the official results are in.

Much to my disappointment and dismay, Jack has obstructive apnea and has to have the tonsils/adenoids out for sure. The sleep test said that he had 26 episodes of apnea in an hour. Now I don't know how many is a lot, but 26 sounds like A LOT to me. (although there were some of those that were called central apnea that are age appropriate for a 2 year old and he will outgrow those, but had to be counted in the official count)

I made an appt. with the ear, nose,& throat Dr. for July 18th and from then they will schedule his surgery to be sometime at the end of July/ beginning of August.

Of course I want to resolve this for him. He must be getting terrible rest and that could explain the impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and irritability he experiences sometimes. It is definitely some of the symptoms of apnea and some kids have been misdiagnosed as ADD or ADHD when later they would find out it was really sleep apnea causing the behavior problems. Or at least I am hoping that explains some of Jack's less fun behaviors. Not that I am saying he is at all near being classified as ADD, but some of the things that I have just considered "oh, that's just Jack, he is just all over the place and into everything" it would be nice if those things were lessened :) And it would give me even more justification in my mind for my 2 year old baby having surgery.

So, wish us luck on this crazy journey and here's hoping that a good night's sleep is in little Jack's future!


Unknown said...

oh boy...good luck! I know surgery seems scary at any point and time (esp on a little guy) but thankfully something like that is so common and he should be good in no time. Make sure you stock up on popsicles! hehe!

mom2anangel said...

Hi Lisa, I'm glad you got a diagnosis and can get this taken care of and put behind you. The good thing is that since he's so little he won't remember this...maybe that's some comfort? He'll be ok - and you will too!! I think they make scrapbook stickers about maybe take some pictures? Ok, did that make you smile at least? If you need any help with anything let me know.
Love, Amy

debi9kids said...

Oh darn! I was really praying it was nothing. I am sure he will be ok though. It's pretty routine, although it doesn't matter to a mama does it? Hard not to be scared to death when it's your baby!
I will be praying for you and I will add your little guy to my prayer list on my blog.

Brooke said...

Awww! Poor guy! I know it sounds scary, but he will be so much better later. (I know you know this, lol) My good friends daughter had them done a three and it was a great thing. Keep us posted on when the surgery will be.