Thursday, June 26, 2008

Check out our sweet new rides!

Today was our first big spin outside with our new tricycles!
We rode over to the post office to mail some letters after dinner.
Jack and Quent did great on their bikes and had so much fun riding and ringing their little bells!
This is going to be big fun all summer long!

Look at Quent on his big boy bike!
He is so proud!

Weehoo, Let's take off, Jack says!
He is actually pretty close to being able to pedal on his own.

And the really cool part for Mom and Dad is that they are super easy to push and steer from behind while the boys just hold on and keep their feet on the pedals.
These were a great choice
Aunt Jean and Uncle Jack!
Thank You !

Big bonus: The train came by while we were at the post office.
So we got to sit and watch these engines go back and forth
(what they were doing I have no idea, but the boys thought it was cool, so whatever)


debi9kids said...

OMGosh! Those are just adorable!!!! What is the brand??? (now I know what I want for E&W's 2nd birthday!!!)
LOVE the shots of them watching the train! Just precious!!!!

Lisa said...

Debi -
They are Radio Flyer brand. And they are great!