Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2 year visit to the Doc

Jack and Quent had their 2 year old well child check on the 13th (my 'little' brother Len's birthday)

Happy 29th Birthday Uncle Lenny!

The boys were super excited to see Dr. Holloway, they say his name so well and that really impressed the Dr.! He had a med student working with him and Jack was in love with her and spent much of his time being held by her which was hilarious! They are both doing great and are right on track and even ahead in some areas!

Here's the stats:

Jack is 38 1/2 inches tall (off the charts for his height) and he weighs 29 lbs.
Quent is 37 1/2 inches tall (same thing - off the charts) and he weighs 31 lbs.

They got to be weighed on the big kids' scale and stood very nicely for that. We had our last immunization until we are 4 years old! Yippee! (one that they could not get at the 18 mo. visit because it was technically 2 days too early - crazy) They were very big boys for that too.

Here's our only issue/ concern. Jack has been snoring really loudly lately and I thought his tonsils looked a little big, but what do I know, the only thing I have to compare it to is what Quent's look like. Well, they look a lot big to the Doc! The Doc says that they are touching his uvula (the hanging down thing in your throat). Yes, not good. Next step is that they are touching each other, really not good.
He needs to have a sleep study done to see what kind of problems the tonsils are causing with his breathing at night. And if the test shows that he is having moderate to severe problems, he will be seeing an ENT to have his tonsils taken out!

*here's where Momma starts to panic a little*

My baby might have to have his tonsils out! Surgery on my 2 year old baby! ugh
I can tell myself over and over that this is fairly routine and it would be outpatient and he would be home that night (see I have already jumped to the conclusion that he needs to have the surgery, horse before the cart thing for sure) But my anxiety is in high gear for sure just thinking about the possibility (probability) of surgery.

The sleep study is scheduled for the night of the 24th, so here's hoping Momma can keep it together until we know for sure. And even after we know would be good too.

The weird thing will be that this will be the first time that Quent and Jack will be apart to sleep at night! They sleep in their own cribs but they are literally right next to each other. That will be the interesting part of that night is seeing how they each do without the other.


debi9kids said...

Wow! What big guys!
Try not to worry too mcu about the tonsils. (I know, easier said than done) But, i am sure it will be way harder on mama than on your son. ;)

Unknown said...

Glad your boys did so well with the Doc! Hope my two do as well next week with their 18/19 month check up! Jacob may be hesitant after being poked and prodded so much yesterday. Hang in there with the tonsils thing...we can be worry warts together as our little guys go through all their tests and we get the good/bad news!

Lisa said...

Thanks fellow twin Mommas!