Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here's what happens when a guy just didn't get good sleep!

After we ate most of our (early) lunch...

"Momma, Jackie seeping"
"Yes, I know Quent"

Poor guy just couldn't hold out. He has never fallen asleep while eating before, he was just so wiped from last night's sleep study that he was just out.
It was cute though because he would take a bite and close his eyes while he chewed and then he finally just gave up on the eating and cuddled to his side and he was gone. Needless to say, we all took an early nap today :)

(if you look close you can see some of the blue marker from the test above his ear, most of the rest I got out earlier in the morning)


Unknown said...

awwww...that is so sweet! That'll probably be Jacob next month after his sleep-deprived day and MRI.

hope he sleeps well tonight!

Unknown said...

Hey - do you mind if I 'steal' a picture or two off the blog to use in the newsletter?? Or if you have any other me today!

Big Steve said...

When my sister was little, she'd fall asleep eating all the time. That Haley, she's just not right. Glad the test went as well as it could!

Anonymous said...

Poor liddle Buckeroo! He's too darn cute though, sleeping in his chair.