Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010!

We have thoroughly enjoyed this Halloween season, attending parties, dressing up and trick or treating have all been super-fun this year! 
Hope Everyone had a Happy and Safe Halloween!

 Heading out to Trick or Treat in our neighborhood:
Jack was the Fed Ex Delivery Man - complete with a dolly full of packages and 
Quent was a Scary Dinosaur (though I think he was mostly adorable, he swears he was scary!)

 At one house -  (just love that tail on the dinosaur) aren't they quite the cute pair!

And then they were showing off their jack-o-lanterns - 
which they drew themselves and Mom and Dad  helped to carve.
They both did a great job!
Happy Halloween from our handsome Fed Ex Guy and adorable Dinosaur!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Oh man, the Fed Ex guy is AWESOME, I love the dolly and packages, what a cutie! And, of course the dino is a cool one too!