Monday, April 19, 2010

Dear Joshua...

Dear Joshua,

  You live in my heart always, my love for you is immense and will never fade.  Everyday I miss you.  I remember how it felt to hold you, smell your sweet scent, and stroke your soft skin.  My memories are vivid and strong and they always will be.  My memories are what I have left to hold onto you.  Joshua - my sweet angel, my first born.  You changed my life and made me a better woman, a better mom, and a better human being.  
Your birthday is one of the best days of my life and even though now it is so hard to get through the day because I miss you so much, I still am so glad that are such an important part of my life.  I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have you, to love you, and to be your Momma.
I Love You and Miss You Forever and Always my Sweet baby Joshua,
Happy 7th Birthday from your Momma


Tamara said...

Awe, that's so touching, Lisa. Joshua is lucky to have you for his mommy, you're an amazing woman.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Joshua. He was such a lucky little boy to have you as his Mama, Lisa! *hugs*

cat said...

Happy Birthday sweet angel boy. And love to you Lisa.

Tom said...

You have and always will be the best Mom to all of our kids.
