Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Picture Sundays - I Scream, You Scream...

Ice Cream in the summertime!
I could not resist joining in on Debi's Baby Picture Sunday
this week when the subject was Babies and Ice Cream!

Here are Quentin and Jackson in September of 2007,
(15 months old)
we were on our first trip to the zoo and
it was so hot that we shared their 1st ice cream cone!

Quentin seemed to like it more than Jackson,
but they both asked for more and more!

Next pictures are from 4th of July 2008.
The boys are just over 2 years old this time and
very much enjoying a kid-sized come of their own!

With how much was on them,
its hard to imagine very much actually got IN them!
Yum, Yum!!

Check out Debi's blog to see more Ice Cream Babies!


debi9kids said...

I'll say they enjoyed those cones! YUM! It's written all over their faces/ LOL

Thanks for playing along this week!
Great pictures!

ps LOVE the adorable new look of your blog!

cat said...

Oh cuties - they just loved it!

Unknown said...

I haven't braved ice cream cones yet...this summer, I'm sure! ALthough Jacob won't eat it! haha!