Sunday, February 1, 2009

Whatchya been up to?

Since Christmas the weather here has been ridiculously cold (no news to most of you out there), but unless we needed to go somewhere we did not brave that bitter cold just to get out. So , we had to come up with some creative things to do to keep us occupied.

Being ever the helpers, the boys thought us some of their own ways to keep from being bored!

Like helping Mom to shred some papers, or waiting til she steps away for a second to dump out the pile of shredded paper!
Fun for everyone!
By the way, shredded paper strips are not so easy to get up off of berber carpeting.

I did not take any pictures of the entire tissue box emptied and shredded in their room one day after they go up from nap. I was listening over the monitor, thinking, "listen to them playing so nicely, they are having so much fun together" Little did I knwo that the fun was ripped up all over their room. Again - big fun to get kleenex shreds up off of carpet.

In keeping with their apparent paper theme -
here's what Jack was busy doing while Daddy was changing Quent's stinky pants

(Daddy was also letting Momma sleep in this day, poor Dad)

Then there are the times where they let their little imaginations run wild and they find the most adorable things to do to keep us busy and keep us laughing!

Like - here they are lounging in their IKEA igloo (which they love!)with some couch pillows and their blankets playing and catching up on their reading. They played in the tent that day for something like 45 minutes! I was sure there was something up because they were so quiet that I kept looking in on them to make sure.

Speaking of a wild imagination:
(I dare you not to smile at these!)

"I am havin' some salad Momma!"
Jack made a 'salad' of his monkeys from the Barrel of Monkeys game!

"Look at my moustache"
Quent's moustache is actually the crust of bread from his sandwich!

And just this Friday I got to go visit with our newest little friend Natalie and her Mom and Dad. (thanks Gramma for watching the boys!)
She is quite the adorable little princess, and boy are her parents in love with her!
But just look at her, how could you not be!

This is the little miss Natalie in her swing. She had just eaten and she was having a little downtime. She was so alert, looking all around with those pretty brown eyes. At least that is what her Mom says the best guess for her eye color right now!


Unknown said...

haha! looks like lots of fun and mischief! I'm waiting for my two to take advantage of me being busy with the baby to stir up some trouble...we'll see what happens! haha@

cat said...

Shredded paper is such fun! I sometimes put some in a big container for the kids o play in. Hide plastic animals to find etc. Must do this again this weekend!