Monday, September 29, 2008

Just too stinkin' cute

Have I mentioned that my guys are adorable?

Really, the funniest, cutest little beings that I have ever encountered.

So, today after nap, they are in their room playing and I hear them talking about and playing with their stuffed animal dogs. Jack is particularly attached to a stuffed dog that he got while he was in pre-op before he had his tonsils out. It's blonde and soft and he LOVES it. Quent has taken a liking to a beanie baby-type bassett hound dog that my Aunt Nancy had sent as a gift from Maine. They both sleep with these dogs (in addition to a herd of other friends) and they like to cover them up and help the dogs go to sleep - you know like pat their backs, give them kisses - just too sweet.

Well, today I am changing them after nap, just talking about their dogs and I asked "What is your doggie's name?" They would say, 'dog', 'white dog', but I don't think they were getting that I was asking them for a name. So, I read the tag on the beanie baby dog and it says that the name is Tracker.
And I say, "Quentie your doggie's name is Tracker."

"Oh my dog is Cracker", Quent tells me. (I try to correct him but he holds firm to the name Cracker, so Cracker it is.)

I turn to Jack and say, "Quentie's doggie is named Cracker, what is your doggie's name?"

"Not Cracker. Not Cracker. I like the Cookie", Jack says!

"Jack, your doggie's name is Cookie?" I ask smiling.

Jack jumps and yells, "Okay, my doggie is Cookie!"
And they each called them that the rest of the day.

Yep, my boys have named their dogs Cracker and Cookie - I LOVE IT!!


Unknown said...

oh! That is sooooo cute!!! Sarah hasn't given her baby a name yet and Jacob calls his favorite stuffed doggy "bear" still...ha!

Cookie and Cracker are great names!!

cat said...

Way, way cute. Love it!

Brooke said...

Very cute! We like Cookies and CRackers too!

Harris Boys said...

I love that too...they really are so cute. did you get a new blog design? I love it :)