Thanks for all you encouraging remarks, it has been a rough recovery for all of us, but HOORAY Jack is finally showing real signs of improvement. He had a pretty good weekend, is definitely eating/drinking better and we have been able to cut back on the pain meds. He only got up twice last night and he was easily calmed back to sleep. I am so relieved that he has some relief.
We are slowly getting back in the swing of things and I will be able to get back to doing some blogging. Our last week was pretty much survival mode, but hopefully we will get back to some more fun summer stuff soon!
Thanks again for the good wishes!
Glad to hear you're on the upswing now. I can only imagine what you've all been through this past week. Hope you get some time to rest!
We might head up to Saginaw Wed or Friday for the museum or zoo...let me know if you're interested in joining us if the kiddos are up for it.
Glad you are all on the road to recovery, sounds like you are whipped.
If everyone is better, perhaps we will see you Friday!
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