Monday, May 19, 2008

Another cute video

...and this one has sound!
Had to wait until naptime to work on it, but here is a video of the boys singing (mostly Quent singing with Momma). This is a prime example of their personalities right now. Jack has things to do and does not want to just stand there and talk to Momma, but Quent will stand and talk as long as you like almost, as evidenced by how Jack comes and goes throughout this couple of minutes and Quent hangs right there.
It actually amazes me now that I watch that video from 2 weeks ago, that Quent is singing the ABCs so much clearer now than he did then, whew they change so fast!

** Gramma - the "diapa, diapa, diapa" song is just for you!

(This one is from the video camera, so it has the sound. Tom says that our regular camera does not record videos with sound, duh. So, maybe that why I got no sound on the other one :P
Sorry its so dark, I will have to remember to not to shoot toward the window light.)


debi9kids said...

Oh my gosh! What a clever boy!!!!
ps I did the same thing with my camera. Did a video and them was so made there was no sound, until Russ pointed out it had no microphone on our camera. LOL

Anonymous said...

Dang it I couldn't see either of these videos today.
