Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What a Day!!

What a nice day we are having in mid-michigan today! Its sad when sunny and 40 degrees is considered nice, but seeing that it was snowing yesterday, it is a big improvement!
Being that is was a nice day, I took the boys and went out to run errands this morning.
Here is the craziness that ensued...

First we of course took way longer to get out of the house than I had planned (or desperately hoped.) I had been encouraging Quentin to get his BM for the morning done before we left for obvious reasons. As much as I would like for him to be able to choose the time when he can do this, he really can't and I know that, but it doesn't hurt to ask nicely right?
We made it out of the house and watched the Consumers Power workers dig a hole in the street for a few minutes on our way to the van. We sang and talked happily on our way to our first stop for Momma's allergy shots.
I get Jack out into the stroller, go for Quent and - did you guess? Yep, poop. So, instead of stinking up the allergy office by changing him in one of their exam rooms (nope, they don't have a changer in the bathroom, but that's a whole other rant) I decide to change him on the reclined front seat. Which goes surprisingly well, if not kind of awkward for me. (We will refer to this as poop #1)
The trip into the office goes smoothly and is quite uneventful. While getting into the van again, Jack keeps saying, "Shopping, shopping". And given the time, I thought it was a good idea that we could get a Sam's trip in before heading home for lunch.

*I think I speak for all twin moms when I say:

All went well at Sam's, the boys were so good and the sample ladies loved them, although they only got to sample the fruit and cheese. It was on the way out of the store that we encountered a major glitch. The rotisserie chicken that I bought fell off the box of diapers and over onto the diaper bag! Luckily the diaper bag was closed, but still I have oily chicken juice all over my light blue (and still fairly new) diaper bag! YUCK!

Then we get home and Quent takes a nosedive on the sidewalk (while he was running away from Momma) and conks his forehead on the cement. That poor noggin of his has taken some nasty hits, one just barely heals then he gets a new one. So while I pick him up to give him some lovin' I get a whiff of poop #2. hooray.

And since this is getting to be a novel - which by the way I have had to stop 3 times and come back to - I will give you the short version of the rest of the afternoon:
- lots of food throwing and cup throwing during lunch
- screaming cuz we have to get our faces washed after lunch
- many attempts at cleaning the icky diaper bag, that will have to wait until nap time
- serious biting incident, Quent bit Jack and broke the skin through his shirt sleeve
- wrestled Quent up the stairs (Jack usually goes willingly, yeah Jack!)
- change poop #3 for Quent
- Jack gets into spare room/storage room for baby items and wreaks havoc
- finally they are in bed and Jack jumps crazily until Momma comes in to stop him
- boys take way too short of a nap because Jack poops and wakes his brother up too
- continue to cry, pick on each other and cling to Momma the rest of the evening until she bribes them into sitting quietly with the TV until Daddy comes home to assist with dinner and bed.

I happily kissed my sweet little men good night tonight ( a little early) and am now enjoying the quiet company of my husband. And if you made it all the way to the end of this long story I am sure you are just as tired as I am, twin toddlers will do that to ya :)

Just look at those adorable little guys, they are so worth it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor Quent's noggin. Jackson's eyes are so beautiful!