Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Parades and Playing

Tonight is my marathon blogging time so that I can get all caught up on the happenings (in pictures) of the last month! Between all the play dates, playgroups, story times, trips to the park, trips to the library, summer parties, and just plain playing outside - we have had a pretty busy summer so far! And I have not even taken pictures of half of what we have done, terrible!

Not to mention the constant battle of potty training. We are making headway there, but we are still a bit away from our goal. We keep trying!

Last Wednesday evening was the Davison Festival of Flags parade. Not the best parade I have ever been to, and we got rained on during the 1 1/2 hours of parade.
Yep, you read that right.
One and a half hours!
Totally unnecessary for any parade to be that long, but when the parade is broken into sections with huge breaks where you are seeing nothing for a while, it makes for a LONG (and in this case, wet) parade!
But when you are 3 years old, you don't care. Its a parade! So what if you get wet, so what if it is forever long. They are throwing candy at you and you get to see some pretty cool stuff. Kinda wishing I was 3!

Anyway, rainy parade or not, we had a good time spending time with GG at the parade and having dinner with her after. The boys do LOVE their GG!

Waving our flags.
Every time I tried to get the picture, Quent would wave it in his own face. So, here is Jack waving his flag and Quent behind his.

Peek - a - boo, here I am!

Quent sitting with GG for the parade.
Luckily we had our chairs and umbrellas, we came prepared!

What is that I see coming? Is it motorcycles?

Not the greatest picture, but the boys loved these motorcycles and officers from the county sheriff. Jack kept yelling, "Take their picture Momma!" as I fumbled for camera.

On Friday, we met some friends at jump and bounce playplace in Flint. It is a bunch of those inflatables that the kids can go crazy on! It was hard to get any pictures because the kids were moving so fast and jumping most of the time, but here is my attempt at some pics of the fun time they had.

They are weird angles or blurry or kids are not looking in the right direction. Too bad, all the kids were really cute! But a fun time was had nonetheless. All the kids were sweaty and tired by the end of our allotted hour and mine slept great for their nap as I am sure they all did!

** Don't forget to keep scrolling down through tonight's posts to see more pictures from our busy July!

Dinner with Daddy and the Train Station

While Momma had a Miche Purse party (a couple Fridays ago) with the ladies, Jack and Quent went with Daddy to Halo Burger for dinner and to play. What a big treat for them to get Daddy all to themselves!!
Although they were very interested in the ladies and the purses, I think they ended up having a much better time here with Daddy!

They were so excited to come home and tell me all about their night out with Dad. Playing with the other kids, eating french fries and peeing into the urinal were their big highlights!!
Thanks Tom!!
The purse party was big fun too and all the ladies had a good time shopping for these cute purses -have you ever seen a Miche purse?? They are really cool!


All Aboard!!

Last Tuesday, Aunt Ky-Ky was arriving at our train station here in town, coming back from a trip to Chicago. How cool would that be to watch the train come in and have Aunt Ky-Ky get off the train?! So, we met Uncle Lenny at the station to greet Aunt Ky-Ky when she came in!

Her train was supposed to arrive at 10:15 (kind of late, I know, but still too fun to pass up).
It was delayed 20 minutes and we thought that we would still be okay to wait.
We found ways to pass the time...

Playing in the historic depot, trying on paper conductor hats.

And catching fireflies with Uncle Lenny. How cool is that?!
They followed this poor little firefly forever, until it finally found some safety in a tuft of grass growing out of the cement.

Well, the train kept getting delayed and when it looked like it wouldn't arrive until 11:00pm, we decided that we had to pack it in and head home with the boys. We were disappointed not to be able to be there when Aunt Ky-Ky's train came in, but later found out that it actually arrived at 11:45!!
So, it was better that we had not tried to wait any longer. Still it was fun to hang out at the train station with Uncle Lenny and we promised the boys a visit with Aunt Ky-Ky soon.

** Don't forget to keep scrolling down through tonight's posts to see more pictures from our busy July!

No Cavities!!

Our First Trip to the Dentist!!

July 7th was an exciting day!
Jack wanted to go first in the big chair.
Here he is with his shades on, doing a great job while Kelly cleans his teeth.

Quent could hardly wait for his turn in the chair!
Here he is using "Mr. Thirsty" after Kelly gave him a rinse.

They both did a great job letting Kelly polish and floss their teeth.
Then Uncle Dan (yep, our dentist is my Uncle) came in and checked them out and counted their teeth - which they thought was cool!

Hooray for 2 Big Boys with No cavities!!

** Don't forget to keep scrolling down through tonight's posts to see more pictures from our busy July!

Independence Day Family Fun

4th of July was spent with my Mom's side of the family at my Aunt Anne and Uncle Donnie's house. As always, there was lots of family, lots of food, and lots of laughs.

Quentin playing a washer toss game with GG.

I am not sure if he actually threw any, or if he just liked collecting them all when she threw them!!

After trying to teach the kids to jump rope, then they started to do the limbo:
Andrea, Aunt Sure, Raven, and Aunt Barb being silly trying to limbo.

Quent wants to give it a try too.

And Aunt Barbie shows him how:

Jack decided that he wanted to do some skateboarding.
Not only is this the most fun way to skateboard when you are 3, but it is the safest way to do it too! Momma approved!

Oh, he only LOVED it a little!!

Aunts and Uncles shootin' the breeze.
(Anne, Erin, Jack, Jean, and Jim)

More chatting!
(My Dad, Uncle Eldon, Uncle Dan and Aunt Margaret)

Alex and Tyler made fast friends in the pool. It was way too cold to be swimming, but they didn't care. Both of them had blue lips when they were made to get out!!


And Jack found a new friend in Anne and Donnie's puppy, Nicky.
Oh, if only our household was not allergic. This kid would love to have his own dog, but visiting others will have to do :(

He laughed and laughed as that puppy chased and bit after this toy. This went on for a long time and he talked about it for days!!

We did not stay for fireworks, maybe next year when we Jack and Quent are a little older and can handle staying up late a little easier. Even so, we did have a good time on 4th of July!!

** Don't forget to keep scrolling down through tonight's posts to see more pictures from our busy July!

Monkeys at the Castaway cafe

Our cousin, Tyler spent a weekend with my parents and we got to spend a day playing with Tyler at Castaway Cafe! Jack and Quent had a blast running around and climbing with him, they really like Tyler and pretty much would follow him anywhere. And here, they could follow him lots of places! Which was great because they were more brave and climbed to more places they had maybe been to scared to climb to before!
They were truly MONKEYS!

Tom joining in and climbing to the highest point in the structure with all three of the boys!

Here is everyone making their way down the biggest slide from where they were at the very top:

Okay guys - where are we going next?!

This is like a catwalk that spans between two parts of the structure. jack used to be so afraid of this thing that he would not even stand up on it, that is IF he went on it at all. And look, once everyone else was doing it he was running across it!!
(Quent, Jack, Tyler and Tom)

Whew! All that playing makes a guy thirsty!

What a cute bunch of boys!

** Don't forget to keep scrolling down through tonight's posts to see more pictures from our busy July!