Thursday, January 29, 2009

The story of us - in the beginning

How can you really connect with someone if you don’t know their story, where they are coming from? Here is our story. How our family came to be in the place that we are today. I have said many times that I am not the person I was 10 years ago. I am changed. I have been blessed and cursed. My life has not always gone as I had planned or wanted, but how can I wish the past away without it taking away what I have and what I am now. Anyway, here is my attempt at letting you in on our story of pregnancy, loss, our road through gestational surrogacy, and our finally found happiness.

My goodness, where to begin…

I have always known. Always known that I would be a Momma one day. I am the oldest child and oldest grandchild on both of my parents’ sides. That’s the oldest of 29 grandchildren total. I was the one left in charge, I was the one left to look out for the others. I was forever around little kids, babysitting, working in day cares, becoming a nanny, etc. My degree has an early childhood focus; my jobs have had that focus too. So, it was a given. Everyone knew I would be the one having a flock of children.

I met my best friend and who I truly believe I am forever intended to be with in December of 1998. Tom and I just clicked, it was comfortable and right from the beginning. I was totally in love. He was it for me. Tom moved to Frostburg, Maryland to begin working on his master’s degree and I was miserable without him. So, after I promised my Mom that I would not buy property or get pregnant while I was there, I moved there too. Tom proposed December of 1999 and obviously I said yes. We were married back here in Michigan on July 8, 2000. It was beautiful, we were so happy, and in hindsight, we were so blissfully unaware of what challenges may lay ahead. It was a great time.

Tom finished his degree and we moved back to Michigan in April 2001. Babies had been our plan just as soon as we were back in MI. I had stopped the pill in January and begun the prenatal vitamins in preparation. So I was more than ready to get that plan moving. We were both just newly at our jobs and decided to give it a little time before we started trying. Our first positive pregnancy test came in August that year. To say we were excited is really an understatement. We were on top of the world! We told everyone right away and we basked in the glow of it all!

Tom’s Mom had been battling cancer for some time and this summer had been her worst time of all. In late August we got the call that she was in very bad shape and hospice had been called in. Tom and I rushed to see her and it was clear that she was not going to make it through the night. She passed that night and the loss was profound. Tom was devastated and I did my best to be there for him. We felt glad that she knew we were pregnant, that she had some happy news so near the end. Little did we know that only a short time later even more bad news would come.

I began spotting and then bleeding at about 7-8 weeks along. Tests confirmed that I was indeed miscarrying. It was a terrible nightmare. I was told to go home and let it happen naturally. Naturally? Are you kidding? There was nothing about this that felt natural. I had to keep going in for blood tests so that they could watch my HCG (pregnancy hormone) levels come down. That was torture in and of itself.

“Oh, excuse me what are you here for? Why do you need your blood drawn again?” Every time, I had to explain.

The doctor said we could try again as soon as we wanted, it was an early loss and nothing suggested that there were problems. And besides, you have to have 3 miscarriages to get any real testing done anyway. Go home – procreate.

We handled it the best we could. I cried, Tom was upset and supportive. Then we got right back on the baby making wagon after a couple of months. My want for a child had only increased, but I will say that my blinders were off. No longer was I the blissful, oblivious woman I had been. I was jaded. I had been badly hurt and I was going to be more careful and aware this time around.

When we found out we were pregnant again, we told NO ONE. Not a soul. We could tell after the 1st trimester was done and everything was okay. At 10 weeks, I could hold it no longer and told my friend, Amy. She was happy and excited for us. I started to feel good. Not long after that, the spotting began. Now we were going to our real OB/GYN (not the family doc from before) and when they saw us they reassured us that these things happen and often the pregnancy is fine. The “let’s just take a look” ultrasound would prove that to be wrong. The baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks. And because my body had not begun the process of taking care of the miscarriage on its own, I would need a D+C.

So began the process of telling people. It was surgery, I had to tell people. I remember distinctly my Mom’s reaction. Of course she was upset about the baby, but she told me that she wished she would have known from the beginning. She said that she wanted to enjoy the happiness from the start even if something happened, it was too hard to only get to hear the bad news. From then on, my Mom would always be told, I would never leave her out again.

Recovery this time was a bit harder. I dreamed about the little spirit that we had lost, I dreamed about what he or she would have been like. I longed for the feeling of morning sickness again. My emotions were raw and I was scared this was never going to happen for us. The thought of not having children was not even fathomable for me, just beyond my realm of thinking. It just had to happen.

In May of 2002, we bought our house and just before we closed we found out we were pregnant again, so many new beginnings. Which room would be the baby’s? Again, our hopes were dashed by what seemed to be the inevitable spotting, and then bleeding that would come.

Three, now we had had three. Three is the magic number. The number that all the docs look at as signifying “oh, now there could be a problem”. In some ways I get why they wait to see if you have recurrent miscarriages. I have read the statistics about how many women miscarry, some not even knowing that they had been pregnant at all (so how do they count these women who didn’t even know, huh?), then go on to normal healthy pregnancies. So, yes, logically I get it. It would be really expensive to do testing on every woman who has 1 miscarriage. BUT, logic hardly plays a part when you are the one having the miscarriage/ miscarriages.

I was broken, emotionally and physically. I wanted the physical part to be fixed. I knew that my heart would never be the same, no one could give our babies back to me, but I at least wanted my body to do what it was supposed to do. There were a lot of tests trying to find something to fix. A LOT. By the end of October of that year, we had the answer.

“Unexplained Recurrent Miscarriages” – nothing definitively wrong with me.

“You can try again. Take a baby aspirin everyday and some progesterone lozenges and we’ll see what happens.” Not long after, that’s what we did.

Coming Next: Our life and times with Joshua

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Way Back When-esday: The Happy Birthday Avery edition

Okay, so since Avery's birthday was on the 19th, obviously I have been running a bit behind. But we had so much fun celebrating with her in Grand Rapids, that I just cannot not post a birthday post about it! And so she is the subject of my Way Back When-esday post. Way Back When-esday is hosted by Twinfatuation, Check it out!

Here is little Miss Avery Jane just after she was born (photo courtesy of Papa)

And then a few months later, being the smiley girl that she usually is!
Is this picture not so adorable! It is one of my favorites.

We met at the Grand Rapids Children's Museum 2 weekends ago. We includes: Rob, Abby, Avery, Tessa, Gramma, Papa, Len, Kyle, Mike and Michael (friends of Rob and Abby and his son), and the 4 of us.
That place was HUGE - 2 floors and lots of space and activities! The kids had a great time and all did really well staying together and playing well with each other and all the other kids there.

Avery at the bubble table
(notice all the snow out the window, the weather was awful)

Michael and Quentin playing in the bubbles too.
These were so cool and made really big bubbles, all the big kids liked playing here too!

The music area was a big hit too.

These 3 are shots of Jack, Avery, and Quent looking through a mirrored triangle tube.
It was a really neat effect!

Quent is playing with the "ATM" in the bank. It was a cool setup with a car and a tube to send things back and forth. Jack is getting into the car.

Jack looking very closely at the beehive. He talked about the bees moving in there for days.

Brave Tessa takes the big slide face first!
She was so happy and luckily it was padded at the bottom, so she was safely sliding too!

Avery is hugging 2 big penguins. They had a big exhibit with all kinds of penguin stuff - very cool - and all the kids loved it. The slide behind her comes out into a pit of white "snowballs".

Here was Quentin's favorite part of the museum. You load all the balls in from the top and then you pull out the lever and all the balls fall out (think connect four game). He and Uncle Lenny stayed there for a very lopng time, playing with all the different shapes they had for the balls.

Gramma, Uncle Lenny, Quent and Tessa loading the balls in (notice that Quentin has all orange balls - his favorite color!)

Another shape for the balls and Avery joined Quent.

We all went to TGIFridays for a late lunch, cake and presents.
Avery gave out goodie bags to Jack and Quent and Michael. The big hit of the bag was the party blowers! (we still have them and use them almost everyday!)

Quent making lots of noise!

Jack really got into it and after he played with it for a while, he got really good at controlling it and making it go in and out slowly. It was hilarious how intent he was on that thing. He fell asleep in the car with it in his hand!

Avery opening presents next to Aunt Ky-Ky.

Yahoo - Avery blew out all the candles!

Mmmmm cake

Mmmm cake

Avery showing me her Kung Fu Panda decorations from her cake, Avery's mom (Aunt Abby) is helping out the cake covered birthday girl.

We had SO MUCH FUN! And I think Avery had a very Happy Birthday celebration!
We can't wait to plan our next trip to this really awesome mueum!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What I am working on

I know it seems like I have been sort of absent, and I do have a lot of fun pictures to post and update, but I gotta tell you that I have been working on something.
I wanted to tell our story and it is taking me a long time to write it all. So, each time i sit at the computer i have been using my time to work on that and not to write new posts.

I felt like I wanted to share with everyone our struggle with miscarriage, high-risk pregnancies, prematurity, time in the NICU, losing our sweet Angels Joshua, Sarah and Jacob, seemingly insurmountable grief, and the path we took to gestational surrogacy that led us to Jackson and Quentin. I feel such a kinship to a lot of Moms out there who have had similar experiences to mine and I just don't feel like I have done that part of my life justice in sharing where I have been.

So, look for that soon, and I will work to get out some pictures of the awesome birthday party we went to for Avery last week soon!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Natalie Grace has arrived!

...And with a bang I hear!

My bestest girlfriend Amy at Here We Go Again had her baby this morning and it was a girl! (they waited for the surprise) And although I didn't get every detail, Amy told me that they arrived at the hospital mere minutes before Natalie was born. In fact, she was close to being born in their kitchen!
She is super beautiful and I can't wait to meet little Natalie Grace!
Take a peek over on her site for pics of the beauty (yes, the child was born this morning and they have already updated the blog!)
Congratulations Amy and Greg, have fun loving on that sweet girl!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I am still here

Just in case you were wondering...

No news on the job front yet, but thanks for all the great words of support and help from my peeps. I'll let you know as soon as there is news to tell.

We have been trying to keep warm here (terribly frigid weather as many of you have had too) and trying to keep the boys busy and having fun. I had a sick day on Wednesday and the boys spent that day with daddy - Big Fun for them! We had a couple visits from Gramma, a very welcomed visitor by Jack and Quent! they fought over her the whole time! Our big fun was that we went to Grand Rapids for Avery's birthday party yesterday and that was a blast!! (I will have pictures up tomorrow)

So, I am still here, a big bundle of nerves, but still here.

And just because I never posted it before but had it all loaded and ready to go I will take this opportunity to put up a video we took over the summer - yep, I am right on top of things - when we had a HUGE spider living in our window. It was between the screen and the sliding part of the window, so while the spider was there we did not open the window, I certainly did not want that thing in the house!!
But the boys loved watching it and making it scurry around by tapping on the glass.
**Be sure to take special notice of the screaming Momma who is so creeped out by the spider that even though it is behind glass I still jump and shriek. (gosh i hate to listen to my own voice!)
and OMG - how small my little boys look and sound - it was not that long ago!

Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm too tired to take pictures off the camera

So, yes, I probably have some really cute ones on there, but i am just too tired to deal with it right now.

Why? You may ask.

What - you have 2-and-a-half year old twin boys (who you love dearly) and they run you ragged sometimes?

Yes. Yes, I do.

And in addition to all the really fun adventures we had this week: our 1st trip to the movie theater, going to Gramma and Papa's, getting my allergy shot (or what the boys think is 'waiting room free for all'), going to playgroup, haircuts, etc., we also had our share of tantrums, fighting, screaming, and waking up multiple times in the night for what I can only guess is teething/molar pain or nightmares.
Add it all up and you get one exhausted Momma and Daddy.

And just to mention it, my stress level has been really high and that hasn't helped either. This week, I saw a job listing that I really want to try for, its just too perfect. We have been looking for a financial solution for a while and me going back to some kind of work is it. Which means day care, commuting, etc.

And if I can get deep for a moment...
It scares the bejeezus out of me to leave the boys all day in someone else's (not our family's) care. I have serious trust issues especially when it comes to my kids. I am very overprotective and have allowed myself to feel pretty righteously overprotective given that I have lost 3 of my babies. Having your child die takes away a lot of your faith in that "things are going to turn out alright".
Are you sensing the high levels of anxiety?

I know there are good places out there and good people and I am trying to find all the positives that could be in the situation. Because it is really what we need to do and I gotta get all on board with that.

I feel so lucky to have been able to be a stay at home Momma for as long as I have. It has been all I ever wanted to do and I wish that I could do it until they are in school, but we just can't do it. Its a weird feeling that i don't really want to go back to work, but I really want this job if i do have to go back. So, basically i am driving myself insane (more than i already am!) fretting about a job that I only just applied for and planning out what might happen if I did get the job. blechhhh

Okay, done with that rant. Thanks to you all who listened.

Tomorrow morning swim class starts again so I better get to bed and get some good rest for that. Have I mentioned how much the boys love swim class? They are so cute doing all the moves and it is so much fun for Tom and I to watch them be so excited and happy.
Good times, good times.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby Picture Sundays - Snuggle Bugs

This week's theme over at Debi's is Snuggle Bugs. And so here are some pictures of my Snuggle Bugs, snuggling with their Momma. Isn't that just the best feeling, cuddling up to those soft little babies that you love so much?! Now that they are getting older, I miss those times and relish in the times that they do want to cuddle up and be snuggled.

Jack (about 8 months old) and Momma cuddling up to read a book reading a book

Momma and Quent (about 10 months old) snuggling during playtime

Momma, looking like she could use some sleep, snuggling 2 sleeping boys when they were 3 months old (and still small enough to easily hold together in my arms!) - check out how little hair they had!

Click on over to Debi's to play along!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A 2008 Trip Down Memory Lane

I got this cool idea from Barb's blog, where she does a look back on 2008 month by month.
I started looking at our pictures from over this past year and, Wow, have the boys grown and changed! Its hard to pick just one photo from each month!
So, here goes, our look back at some of our silly, funny, crazy, happy times in photos:












Happy New Year Everyone!!