Monday, April 28, 2008

Thank you to all of our Sponsors!

Our walk for the March of Dimes Walk for Babies was a big success!

We raised a lot of money and so did our Mothers of Multiples team, and its all because we have such caring and generous family and friends. Thank you so much for helping us honor and celebrate the lives of our children by supporting such a wonderful cause!

The weather was wonderful, even though the morning was a little chilly. Len and Kyle came and walked with us, and played with us at the playground after we walked. Jack and Quent were pretty excited about climbing and sliding! Quent went right for the slides and was going down on his own right away. Jack was a little more hesitant and rode with Aunt Ky-Ky or Daddy for the first few times. But when he did go on his own, he loved it! They played and played until we finally had to pull them away so we could go get lunch. We ate lunch at Gramma and Papa's and crashed for a nap!
It was a great day for all of us!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I am sure my kids are geniuses!

Okay, so don't all parents think that, right?! Aren't we supposed to? If so, then the above statement doesn't sound quite so annoying!

Anyway, just thought I would share Quent's latest brilliant outburst.

At lunch yesterday he starts screaming, " U,U,U,U. Momma, U,U,U"
This is what he was so excited about:

Yes, it is a piece if broccoli in the shape of a "U"
Brilliant, I tell ya!

(disclaimer: Both my boys are smart and creative, just because this one is focused on Quent does not mean I do not think Jack is just as wonderful. He is! :-)

Just cuz my guys are so cute

Quentin reading some books in the sunshine

Jackson giving me some cheese

Hi Momma - says sweet Quent, whose favorite color now is orange

Jack is making roads for his trucks in the shoes, silly guy

March of Dimes Fundraiser

The fundraiser on Sunday was awesome! Amy, Nancy, Michelle, and the other planners did such a good job in getting everything prepared and set up. It was very professionally done. And it was a huge success! They had lots of people come through and buy things and made a lot of money for March of Dimes!! I was so honored to be a part of that day and I can't wait to do it again with them!


Here are some pictures that I took that day:

This is the story board of some of the families there, including ours (see this post to read our stories).

These are "Angel Babies" that Amy's Mom, Charlie, made in memory of Nathaniel. She does a beautiful job, they are so sweet! She made some for our angels and we love them. She is selling them and part of the proceeds go to March of Dimes. If you are interested in purchasing one of these little angels, let me know and I can get you in touch.

Here's me and Amy getting balloons ready!

Amy was selling Pampered Chef and her proceeds went to the March of Dimes,
she had lots of customers!

Nathaniel's Mommy and Daddy (Amy and Greg) in their Team Hannewald t-shirts, aren't they super cute! And the back of the shirts are even sweeter!

Congratulations on a very successful event Team Hannewald and Team Henzi!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua

Today would have been Joshua's 5th birthday.
Its amazing, it feels like yesterday that I held him in my arms.
My heart aches for what would have been and I miss seeing him grow up. I watch his brothers and wonder what traits Joshua would have also had. Would he be as tenacious and curious, would he love the things they love? I dream he would have. He was such a special baby, I treasure the 7 weeks that I got to have with him. Thank you so much for that my Joshua. He truly was a miracle to us. He touched so many lives and continues to do so, he will always be remembered and loved.
Happy Birthday my sweet Joshua Thomas
We Love you and Miss you so much

"The smallest human beings can teach us the
biggest lessons we will ever learn"

Willam H. Woodell Jr.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Joshua's Memorial Donation

Today was our donation day for Joshua's birthday (which is 4/19). Each year we donate books to the lending library cart that we established in memory of Joshua. Our initial donation was on his 1st birthday in 2004 and each year we add new books and replace some of the favorites. The books are about preemies, baby development, medical issues and so much more. This year Tom, me, Jack, Quent, Gramma (my Mom) and Aunt Jean all went. We got to visit with some of Joshua's nurses and doctors that took care of him, it is so nice, we all got to share our Joshua's special celebration day.

The staff in the unit tell us that the parents really love having the information available for them right there on the unit and that it is used regularly. Some of the moms in my mothers of multiples group have even told me that they used the book cart when their kids were in NICU. Which I loved to hear! We wanted to do the book cart because Tom's sister, Julie, had given us a book about preemies the day that Joshua was born. (Thank goodness that she did!) The book was Preemies : The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies. It literally was our constant source of information and reference when Joshua was in the NICU. We loved this book and wanted to help other parents whose children are there to have access to that kind of information too. Because, you know, the last thing that you have time for when your baby is in the hospital is to go looking for books in the library or at the store.

As much as the staff and the parents on the unit appreciate the materials we donate, I am still not sure if helps them more than it helps me. I get to plan and purchase and prepare for Joshua's birthday every year. Its feels so good to celebrate birthday every year. If he were alive I would be planning and preparing for his birthday celebration and in my own way I get to do that each year. I love it.

Cool new playgroup

We went to a super cool new playgroup on Wednesday morning. Aunt Kyle came with us and we all had a great time (even though Kyle and I were sweating and hot from running around after the boys!) It is the Great Start program for our county, just like the playgroup that I used to run when I worked for those programs in different counties. It is really funny to see it from the parents' point of view, gives you a totally new way of thinking about the things that you planned when you ran the groups. We have gone to the Friday playgroups that are at the school here in town, but this was in Owosso and in their office building. Jack and Quent had so much fun. Quent definitely being the braver of the 2 in trying new things, like the bounce house and the slide. Thank goodness Aunt Kyle went with us, because Momma would have had a really hard time keeping up with both of them in that bigger space with so many kids! Thanks Aunt Kyle!

Quent lovin' the bounce house, I couldn't get a shot of him standing still!

Jack on the horse, Ky-Ky on the assist

Momma, we got to get one of these ball pits!


See, I really like the Lightning McQueen that is on this ball
and I am thinking I will just have it, okay?

Jack has to get a closer look at these really cool car toys they got here

Monday, April 14, 2008

In Memory of...

My best friend, Amy, asked me if I would be involved and help out with a March of Dimes fundraiser that she and some of her friends were organizing. And of course I said YES! The event is on April 20th and it sounds like it will be a big success. It seems fitting to participate additionally because Saturday, April 19th is Joshua's birthday. He would have been 5 years old this year and every year we do a special NICU donation in his memory and what a good way to honor him too, to spend the day after his birthday at this fundraiser.

As part of a display she is making, she wanted to include personal stories of some of the people there. Amy is sharing her story about her son Nathaniel and her friend Nancy is sharing her story about her daughter Madison, both babies passed away, or became angels as I like to say, in 2007. Amy wanted me to share my stories about Joshua and Sarah & Jacob.

So, here is what I wrote for about my little angels, because it is in honor of their memory that I have taken the March of Dimes as our special cause to support.

Joshua Thomas Goodwill

Born 4/19/2003, Became an Angel on 6/9/2003

At 19 weeks pregnant, my cervix began to dilate. The doctors said that I had an incompetent cervix and was put in the hospital on strict bed rest to help stop the process of labor. I stayed on bed rest for 4 weeks before I had to deliver Joshua.

Joshua was called a micro-preemie, weighing 1 pound 6 ounces at birth, which was 23 weeks 2 days gestation. He was the smallest baby in the NICU. But he was perfect. Small, but perfect. He had his Momma’s nose and eyes and his Daddy’s hands and feet. He was all of our love, hopes, and dreams rolled into one tiny, beautiful boy.

Joshua was a typical baby in that he loved his pacifier, he loved to sleep on his tummy, and he loved to be held. He fought the typical premature baby battles like immature lungs, feeding and bowel issues, and infection.

Our sweet baby Joshua lost his battle for life to a perforated bowel (NEC) and sepsis. He was 7 weeks and 2 days old, and the firstborn love of our lives.

March of Dimes research benefited our son Joshua, allowing the medical advances to be there to help give him the best possible chance at life. It allowed us to have that precious time with him. March of Dimes continues to help preemies like Joshua, that’s why our family supports the March of Dimes, In memory of our sweet Joshua.

Thank you for your support-

Lisa and Tom, Jack, and Quent

(Joshua’s Momma and Daddy, and 2 youngest brothers)

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Sarah Jane and Jacob Robert Goodwill

Born and Became Angels on 9/23/04

Sarah and Jacob were born at 21 weeks gestation, they weighed 12 ounces and 15 ounces respectively. They came so early because I have an incompetent cervix and what we later found out to be a hypoplastic uterus (doesn’t expand enough to accommodate the pregnancy) causing preterm labor.

Despite the best medical interventions, I had to deliver Sarah and Jacob too early. They lived for 3 hours, cuddled together in our arms. Not nearly enough time to get to know these 2 beautiful souls, our pretty little girl and handsome boy. Sarah looked like Momma and Jacob had so much of Daddy’s features, like big brother Joshua. We took some comfort knowing that their big brother Joshua was there to welcome them into heaven.

Our family supports the March of Dimes in Sarah and Jacob’s memory. Funding their research could help to find out why moms deliver early, how to prevent preterm labor, and to find the best ways to make sure that all babies get the 9 months they need.

Thank you for your support-

Lisa and Tom, Jack, and Quent

(Sarah and Jacob’s Momma and Daddy, and 2 little brothers)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

What? No Bisque?!

Gramma so graciously offered to babysit for the twins today and since Jack and Quent would much rather stay with her than hang out in a stroller while we endlessly look at appliances, and we would rather not have to try to entertain them on this 'no fun for toddlers' trip, we took her up on that offer!

Tom and I went to ABC to look for a refrigerator today. We had some special gift money set aside for a worthy project and we decided that this was it. So, we go to look for a 'bisque' colored one, and low and behold - very few are available in that color. Worse yet, we are told that the manufacturers are phasing that color out and will be no more in 2 years or less.
But my dishwasher (that is like 2 years old) is that color, the top of the stove is that color, the fridge we have now is that color. What are we to do?

Our choices become: white, black, and stainless steel.
White? No. none of the appliances in the kitchen are at all white
Stainless Steel? No. not only do we have nothing stainless steel, but just getting one with stainless steel doors adds $500-$1000 to the price. no thanks.
Black? really, this is my only choice? well the front of the stove is black, the microwave is black.

So, now I am trying to fall in love with the idea of a black fridge. We have to shorten the cupboard above the fridge to accommodate the size of the new fridge.
Yes, nowadays not only are fridges not available in off white - oops - bisque, but they are also gigantic and none will fit in the space the old one did. Modifications will need to be made. So, we will not have the new one delivered until that work is done.

Although we had annoying little bumps in the fridge search, I am still super excited about a new fridge!! I am convincing myself that the black will be sharp and sleek looking. We picked the one that has the freezer on the bottom and it is huge inside. And with the fridge part on top it will be easier to see what you are looking for and roomier for putting a ton of twin goodies away! I cannot wait!

New fridge = happy housewife and mommy
(sad, but oh so true)

Catching up on our week

Well, we had a pretty eventful week this week.
Tuesday -
We went to visit GG (that's my maternal grandma) and my Alex. She takes care of Alex while my Uncle Andrew works. I am the oldest of my Grandma's 20 grandchildren, I am 33 years old, Alex is the youngest at 4 years old. Quite an age span, huh? Jack and Quent have so much fun over there, mostly because they get to play with Alex, but also cuz GG has so many fun things to get into and she spoils them. Seriously, give a kid full reign over a house and cookies and they are set! Meanwhile, I run around trying to make sure that none of GG's things get broken.
Back in the day, when I was younger, plenty of stuff got broken at Grandma's house and not that I am copping to any of it - but I'm just saying. We used to play in her basement and oh baby did we get in some trouble. Now I know how my Mom must have felt when us kids were trying to tear the place apart! It seems though nowadays that GG has so many nice, expensive, irreplaceable things that i just want to be sure my kids are not the crazies that tore up her nice things.
But GG, she is so calm and just says, "oh, he's okay. Do you like that Jack/Quent? That's pretty, isn't it?" But I am jumping out of my skin to get to whoever has it and get it from them before it becomes a projectile!

But I digress...
Here's the three boys playing with GG

All this playin' makes a boy tired!

Wednesday -
Momma had some tummy troubles, but thankfully it was probably food related and not something that anyone else got. Daddy took care of the boys, Daddy saves the day yet again!

Friday -
We had visitors! Gramma, Aunt Betty, Aunt Tasha, and the kids Tyler, Alexis, Aleah and Sydney all came over. We played, had pizza for lunch and got to give presents to Aunt Tasha, Tyler, Alexis , and Aleah whose birthdays are all in March and April. All the kids had a good time and us ladies had fun gabbin' and gossipin'. (you know we had to catch up on all the latest!)
Just because I am that absentminded sometimes, I took no pictures of that day :(
Later, when it was just Gramma, me and the boys we were lucky enough to spend and hour and a half in our basement during a tornado warning! **sarcasm alert**
I HATE our basement, really hate hate hate it. It is old, has low ceilings,no natural light, and scares the heebie jeebies out of me. (is that the correct spelling for heebie jeebies?) And the only time you will find me going down there is because it is the safest place for us to be in a storm. I try my hardest to act like its okay so that I don't scare the boys, but blechhh. We have a playpen that we keep down there so that there is a safe place for the boys just in case one of us is here alone. Good thing Gramma was still here to help and to keep us company.

Wonder what the weekend will bring?!

Monday, April 7, 2008

22 months old today!

This is how my Jack and Quentie looked the day we brought them home from the hospital.
And I cannot believe we are now only 2 months from their 2nd Birthday!!

Oh, they have grown and changed so much but they'll always be my babies!

Also, we want to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Aunt Tasha!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Playing in our yard

Another beautiful day today, a little breezy and slightly cooler, but still NICE! We got to play outside today and have fun in our yard. Last summer Quent was not walking yet and Jack was still a little unstable and that made for not the most fun backyard play, but this year is all different! They were both running all over and chasing each other and having a blast getting dirty!
Tom was cleaning up what remained of the roofing and siding mess from the fall/winter. Now that all the snow is finally gone we can see all the little scraps that need to be picked up and a few potentially dangerous nails, so it was a good thing that Daddy was so careful about getting all that outta the way for play!
Tom had put together Jack and Quent's new sand/water table and today was our first time to get to play with it. They really liked the sand (we will wait for warmer temps for the water) which is great because last time we played in sand they were not too in love with it. Momma helped them scoop and pour and we all got covered in sand!
Before dinner we all went for a walk around the block and really wore our little guys out. They were fed, bathed, and sleeping by 8:00, I was a little surprised because it was still so light out, but they did not seem to care at all. It was a good day!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

B-E-A-UTIFUL Spring Day

We had a great day today full of fun and the outdoors!
Len and Kyle came over and we all walked downtown for the boys' haircut appointment. We took the stroller, but the boys walked all the way there on their own (well, holding hands with Len and Kyle). They were so happy to be out and enjoying the beautiful weather, it was sunny and 60 degrees. We pointed to and talked about all kinds of things on the way. Jack and Quent love vehicles, flags, trees, etc, etc. So, we saw all kinds of cool things!
Quent would walk along then stop and do a little dance, he was so happy!

Len walking with Jack
and Kyle with Quent

Quent stops to tell Auntie Ky-Ky all about the flag that he sees in front of a church

Tom is pushing the stroller in the front of the pack,
while Jack and Uncle Lenny follow
(I am there, I am the one behind the camera!)

When we got home Gramma (my Mom) met us there with Alex (my youngest cousin, 4 years old) to play and have lunch. My Uncle Andrew (Alex's dad) is renovating my parents' bathrooms so Alex came to play with us while hi dad worked. Jack and Quent love playing with Alex, its like they are with Brendan, everything is so amazing and funny that he does! Alex has a hard time sometimes because the boys are not old enough to play like he does, sharing and following what he says don't come easily to 2-21 month old toddlers, but he plays well with them on the whole. They were loving all the fun time with Gramma too. After Lenny and Kyle had to go, we had lunch and then Jack and Quent napped while Alex rested, watching a movie.

After naps, we all went over to Aunt Barb's house for a visit and dinner. Uncle Don made yummy pork on the grill and homemade mac and cheese (Jack and Quent's personal fav). We also got to visit with G.G. (my Gramma, we call her GG, short for great-gramma) and the Gekelers from Maine. My Aunt Nancy, Uncle Tom and cousin John (we missed Meg this time) had come to MI for a funeral in his family. We enjoyed the visit and Quent and Jack loved playing and running around!

It was a late night for the boys to get to bed, but they were asleep before they hit their beds from such a busy, fun day!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Big Thanks and LOVE for my Tom

Tom stayed home with us Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and took care of the boys so I could stay in bed and fight off a flu bug. I missed my Jack and Quent so much, but the less time spent with them meant they were less likely to get whatever was going on with me. I did sneak in hugs and love every now and then, but who could resist!
And even though they missed Momma too, they were having a good time with Daddy being home and were pretty sad this morning when Daddy left for work.
So, thanks my Tom for being the great Dad and Husband that you are!!

Tom dressed up special for reading to Quent,
definitely Quent's most favorite thing to do.

Jack aka. 'Jacky smurf'

Oh, my boys and their hats :)